Monday, July 15, 2013

A review for July- Unknown ???

(First of all, sorry for the slight mishap in the post order.)

Second... I don’t know what to talk about today.

I talked a lot about YouTube in the past two weeks talking implication of this and that but I seem to ran out of steam

You know what since tomorrow is the halfway mark, I’ll recommend twenty YouTubers. Perhaps, talking details will lead to more ideas.

I watched Wheezy again. Wheezy seems to be source of imagination for other YouTubers... he is himself Idea Unlimited, person who surges creativity for others. He’s a vital part of our society.

But I talked about Wheezy before and it’s boring to talk about the same person over and over again, so let’s talk about HOW HANK GREEN IS A WIZARD. Okay, maybe not.

I don’t know, I have no ideas. What do you think about YouTube. After two weeks you must have something of a idea. Please tell us below. Thank You.

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