(Okay, first of all. How does Leakycon 2013 so gangsta that you had to put Lil’ Wayne and Kanye as the background? How? Was it that awesome? I’m jealous.)
So, yesterday we left off with Kaitlyn with a Kay at the end of the 7 facts tag. I knew Kaitlyn from a collab channel called Shiny Happy Vloggy People. The most consistent creator out of the 7, which is strange because he was never approved in the first place, was an Ohio guy named Matt Guion.
He became my favorite YouTuber that no one knows about it and I feel a sense of duty to talk about him for this day.
What he does is reviews, mostly books but sometimes movies and stage production and his most famous series is his Books vs. Movies Review, in which he compare a book and its movie adaptation to see who done it best.
There’s three things I like about Matt.
Number One is his focus on the character development. Matt’s plots are known to be convoluted but still the character develop into their own ambition and goals. We see each Matt as his own, all with different aspect of his nature and perhaps rooting for one or the other.
It’s almost to the league of Tatiana Masley (Not Mansley, although we’re going to talk about Mansleys (yes, Mansleys.) later, maybe even tomorrow) in terms of how s/he develops her characters.
Number Two is his surgical precision in dealing with tough subject. Mostly retaining to media, of course, but all his reviews and vlogs seems very well thought out. Idea is complete and he touches upon every hole that might come in an argument. Overall, there’s not much room for debate, at least it takes a good reflection to get well thought-out response.
Matt gives scholarly review to every media and ready to give his mulling thoughts out. This leads to my most favorite thing I like...
Number Three is the sheer passion of the medium which he is reviewing. He talks about the books as if they were his child, praising the books he love and disappointed at the books he despise. He give honest, from-the-heart review every time and along with his well crafted personas, I feel as if we’re visiting an old craftsman in the middle of the forest, honing his trade for decades and seeing the delicate pieces he has painstakingly provided for someone’s enjoyment.
He said reviewing is his hobby, but I seriously think he should be going into writing stories or reviews somewhere in the mainstream media ,because he is just fantastic and I just want see him grow his reviewing prestige. Though, I’m happy for your employment and your engagement.
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