Monday, February 13, 2017

Lonelygirl15 - "Those Who Fight And Run Away..."

Rescuing Daniel
Here's Bree, basically giving a brief about the merger of a story. Confusing story, indeed. Oh, it was done deliberately, that's pretty brilliant. Oooh! Encrypted disk! Uh, okay Bree...

Drinking Problems
Daniel feels confused and talk about her parent problems.

Valentine's Day Massacre
Jonas rounds out the trio's reaction. Jonas seems the clueless one, and he's trying to serious, think?

Watch This!
Well, seems like Jonas's place is not safe anymore.

Look Who I Found!!! NBR Investigates
Nikki Bower seems like she's jumping into the story, now. I guess we're on the halfway point.

Yellow Snow
Cabin episode! Communicating with nature and Jonas messing around... or is he?

Snow Angels
Looks like a regular cabin. Seems more romantic than intended.

Jonas Sucks
Daniel is... rightful. That is a rightful anger. Clues looks fun though.

Men Are From Mars
I like that Bree tries to solve the problems happening between Daniel and Jonas. Of course, the core of the problem is Bree, which like Bree obviously know her allegiance to the boyfriend? IDK.

Cracked The File
Now that the tiff is over, let's get the Order plot going. This is the end of the second part.

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