Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 28, 2007

Hank does the picture book version of the Everyone Poops in My Pants, first recited in February 7th. Republican Nerdfighters... um... watch the next video. I think he did recognize the Republican viewers while endorsing Barack Obama, quite prescient moment for John actually.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 27, 2007

John is tired and he's ready to buy horseradish! I wish he traveled forward in time, he could have found the story of Gussie Manlove! And here's the Nerdfighter sign. That's why John just wears Baseball cap. Oh god, here it comes... I didn't know John hate mayo. EAT IT ALL AT ONCE! Wonderful: Sarah trying to keep her laughter because she is such a nice companion and wife.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 26, 2007

Good Morning Class! Billy, Suzie and Tony is one of my favorite characters in this channel and it's a shame that this is their only appearance. Suzie's story is just... so perfectly cognizant. Earwax was gross, though... although, the shot was much shorter than I thought. Least Hank can hear now.

Lonelygirl15 - Who IS Jonas?

What's that title?

How Dumb Am I?
Bree finally realized that Jonas is not something that could be trusted. Faith versus facts.

Bree Is Crazy
Bree and Daniel reverse a lot in this series, which is interesting, maybe it's just bad writing, or maybe there's bigger implication. I do think Daniel is going to regret what he's doing.

Interrogation 101
Jackson really shines here, he's better playing a more evil character. Daniel is skeptical.

What The Hell?!??!
OH NO, JONAS IS GONE! What's with the pack of cards. Second set of camera? I don't understand.

Is He Out There?
Daniel is confused... I'm kind of confused... maybe I shouldn't left in the middle of everything.

Proving Bree Wrong
Look at that terrible camera. Welcome to 2007. Back then, where you have to read magazine to pass time... what horrendous time it was. Breaking inside, like a stealth... maybe I shouldn't swear.

On The Road Again
I also hear this screeching high speech thing... I think it's of a person who is really sorry. Aunt? He had an aunt and you never told us? Maybe it's the Italy connection? It's all good.

School's In Session! - NBR Investigates
Nikki B doesn't like the snow, and helping with leads. WHY YOU HAVE ALF THE GAME? Document, boring! Come on, you are an investigative reporter. Soviet empire? Inland empire is good Southern California reference, it's by Riverside. Britain? Nah. DTA carbon copy.

Sorry Jonas
Bree feels there is something big happening. Building a bad relationship, wait that's not... whatever.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 23, 2007

John does his bookshelf tour. I love how John casually diss Hank for not buying a bookshelf. We also have an Maureen Johnson appearance! Authors usually agree, libraries are cool. Just read us! Maureen reveals that she puts twenty dollars in every book... did that inspire John's TFiOS thing? Wondering ending combo of John trying to turn a book page with a Wii and The Sharing Party.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 22, 2007

Echoy Hank is the best Hank. Floaty bookshelf, and putting embarrassing books below. I utilize that method quite frequently. Book centerpiece looks nice. Nice underwear... The Book Exchange, it's a minor character in Brotherhood 2.0. Downloaded books by Alexander Dumas. Credit = money?

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 21, 2007

I love the fact in Brotherhood 2.0, John sometimes calls Hank a heathen, because he doesn't believe in god... or was agnostic for a while, then became an atheist? I'm never sure. John's snark about Weight Watchers is so gold. I read Feed back in High School, and it's pretty good. I like the female character there, I like the implication. It's a mix between William Gibson and John Green, and it works. I love how John has to ask Sarah for a girl's name. Oh, she has a new haircut! Julie Baskin... there's a thing where John Green says the full name of any girl that he has dated... this continues, if you see the outtakes to 100 Days. It does feel like John is secretly doing this with all that aside...

Monday, February 20, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 20, 2007

It rarely is the morning, Hank. It rarely is. Hank is still way too close and looks he's having some computer troubles. Wikipedia first rears its head, or does Hank's head rears into Wikipedia? Hehe, MySpace... Hehe, 69. Okay, let's stop with that. Hank has eyebrow game! My swing is dependent on Computers! That sounds... unique. Groof! Secret Brother Tom is Tom Stohlman, who is from Cambridge and will be visiting Nerdcon this February. I get current news make sense here considering the nature of this project. Ah, iMovie. How I love your relationship with YouTubers.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 19, 2007

And we start with our own resident mathematician/state senator Daniel Biss. I've seen him recently in a Daily Show segment and... he hasn't aged in ten years. It's bizarre. Like seeing John which changed quite significantly to someone working for the Government of Illnois still looking basically the same, maybe with more grey hair... Weird. Carnegie Hall... you know you'll play there, too... I protest against John's distaste in people's music taste, all these bands seems perfectly fine to me. First mention of the The Concert fund or the progenitor of Foundation to Decrease Worldsuck. And John, your book is going to be worth the effort. The last montage, though, that was great.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 16, 2007

Hank (has to) complete his survey and finally enters into his 'normal' speaking speed. Oh Hank, fame and fortune (with the added bonus of being sudden...) will come your way, I promise. Also, about that kid thing... let's say that's the bad news. Overpopulation, interesting. Also only 4+ minute not punish.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 15, 2007

Yes, this says February 17th. I assure you this is February 15th. John talks about building a game called Nerd Fighters. Dodge that upper cut! I also love the hate against Tom Brady, still very popular ten years later. And here comes the Nerdfighter theme song. Oh NO. I love the asides... nice touch.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 14, 2007

Hank is back in Montana! With Snow! I have a noncommital relationship with snow. When I was a kid, I loved snow. It was fun to play with, but now that I'm older, I do see the bad side of snow. It's hard to walk or drive in, it means it's cold, although the coldness is very different with snow. But I still like the calmness about snow. Snow is best seen from inside. This is really bad etymology. Obviously, this is untrue, but it's funny... much like him drinking Strawberry Hill. Look at Hank so determined. Like this is hemlock, not a terrible somewhat alcoholic drink. It made him drool, though. Hank slowly going mad with the devil's drink and just going mad, ending with him sleeping.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 13, 2007

An high school intro. Do any of them realize his fame later on in relation to this event? John finally masters his airport vlogging skills. He has done them in ten years. I think airports should make him a studio or something, just because the airport is so well documented. The interview is spot on, though. Celebrity death pool is morbid thing, too... By the way, the death count as of today... Tomoji Tanabe (2009), Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah (not dead), Ariel Sharon (2014), Doctor Kevorkian (2011), Abu Ayyub al-Masri (2010), Fidel Castro (2016), Aymam al-Zawahiri (not dead), Charlton Heston (2008), Saddam Hussein (2006), Osama bin Laden (2011). Seriously, those two are the long survivors?

Anyway... see you tomorrow for the Valentine Strawberry Hill special.

Lonelygirl15 - "Those Who Fight And Run Away..."

Rescuing Daniel
Here's Bree, basically giving a brief about the merger of a story. Confusing story, indeed. Oh, it was done deliberately, that's pretty brilliant. Oooh! Encrypted disk! Uh, okay Bree...

Drinking Problems
Daniel feels confused and talk about her parent problems.

Valentine's Day Massacre
Jonas rounds out the trio's reaction. Jonas seems the clueless one, and he's trying to serious, think?

Watch This!
Well, seems like Jonas's place is not safe anymore.

Look Who I Found!!! NBR Investigates
Nikki Bower seems like she's jumping into the story, now. I guess we're on the halfway point.

Yellow Snow
Cabin episode! Communicating with nature and Jonas messing around... or is he?

Snow Angels
Looks like a regular cabin. Seems more romantic than intended.

Jonas Sucks
Daniel is... rightful. That is a rightful anger. Clues looks fun though.

Men Are From Mars
I like that Bree tries to solve the problems happening between Daniel and Jonas. Of course, the core of the problem is Bree, which like Bree obviously know her allegiance to the boyfriend? IDK.

Cracked The File
Now that the tiff is over, let's get the Order plot going. This is the end of the second part.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 12, 2007

Hank does kayaking. That's some extreme cinematography right there. This is really poor quality. So Florida right there! This is Hank's first airport vlog! All those birds! Look at that limpkin! I just love the Hank's gesture indicating His Tour of the Entire Southeastern United States. YOU'RE TOO CLOSE HANK! I mean I guess the blurry quality made make 2007 me okay, but times change...

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 9, 2007

John complains about his very small washing machine. Nice surprise 'in your pants' jokes there. Also a nice use of Daniel Biss to talk about averages and thirteen-year banjo concerts. Paper Towns!!! False narratives about Paper Town is great sketch, half in the light and in the dark. See you then.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 8, 2007

Hank thinks about it before saying, which he does not follow too much. They are looking at me funny. I like this involvement of hiding here. Hank is good at involving people. 50s style ranch house, I live in a house like this. Katherine throwing her calculus book might be the funniest part. Non-traditional pink flamingoes... Playing banjos... badly. Hank's first calculation... also pretty inaccurate, but it's not bad for a back-of-the-napkin. 0.5%, and being very bored. Also people point out the talk...

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 7, 2007

John looks so young, maybe it's the hair. The story is amusing... most amusing part, non-veiled satire of Bush's terrible war and how John was fan of Obama, probably before anyone else, really.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 6, 2007

Hank shaves to taunt John? No permanent damage done, John's beard comes out fine. Hank talks about babies, which is extremely ironic considering the current situation. He's Uncle Hank... Hank kind of like them... which is weird. This kind of baby seems possessed. Hank... John having a baby will only increase the nagging from Mom. Hank's scavenger hunt seems dangerous... Fertile?

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 5, 2007

Oh no... OH NO! It has come down to this! DON'T... oh no! Oh god! Why am I subjecting myself into this... so much pain, John. So much pain! Look at how innocent John is. He doesn't know... Can we see the Yeti in the reflection? I can see John filming... Yeah! I can see Yeti from the reflection! Here it comes! Oh no... The song is quite appropriate though. Sarah's quiet and consolatory, 'you're bleeding... you're bleeding.' may be the best line of this video. John bleeds for your project. Switch!!! I do wonder what John was talking about that montage. Look at all the paintings there.... Oof... pain.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 2, 2007

Hank likes making videos on a even numbered day... First video response and beep beep, is this keep going to happen on the first Hank video of the month? Messy hair looks great. Hank looks funny. Orlando sucks but there's Guitar Hero and David Bowie. Ethnic diversity... hmm, seems important.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 1, 2007

In which John is sucker for bridges. John does love bridges, there's plenty in his vlogs. I hope John or Hank never get divorced, I mean they have suck lovely relationships. John's first attempt that Aero Fighters is not good, I think now John can beat the high score while holding a camera, because he trained himself. Although Stan will beat it right back. John doesn't like travel, bad news from the future... HIS CHIN IS PREPARED, but he is NOT PREPARED, no he is not prepared at all.