Gonna make my way through the vlog.
Danger Drone in the Hotel Room (Jul 25) - Last day in California. Is this where skate towing begins? This room is huge. Looks like Gigi. 7 minutes later... Always lost... Still lost. Chitchating... Baroca? MORE POWER. Fail. Pizzer... Always good to drink with Ava. In-N-Out finally. Hi Casey!
Rope Climbing w GoPro Session (Jul 26) - Run and Maxie? Still got those codes. Look at that arm... Max Joseph, full Hollywood. 405, LAX. That's winged tip. It fit! Power Trip. Back in NYC!
Skateboarding Behind a SuperCar (Jul 27) - How about Sean Connery? Surgery in progress... Aliens? Giant stick. Stone? So many... Casey broke my skateboard. Very many dairy. Kale salad. Joke? Speed
Helmet Needed (Jul 28) - That's bad recitation of the lyrics. Helmet? Missoura. Music edit superb. Months... after months. DMV... but it's a state thing. Crowdsource. Vlog in home is hard. WASH IT! Relived? Nah. Meeting the faces, exactly. Love is a strong word. Burn and off. Sleeping in? Fast.
Party at the Neistat's (Jul 29) - Parenthood training. Watching the cartoons. Garbage juice. Marlon in Beme??? Free hour. Nice prop. So many people. New set up. Out of office with Boosted. Party...
No Vlog Today (Jul 30) - Good boy. Just some good old real-life footage. Backing away. Short!
What Keeps You From Quitting? (Jul 31) - Solider inquiry. Who knows. Okay? More energy... Session is amazing. OCD? Nice cut. Godspeed. Skate to Grand Central. Oh that's the... Tunnel! (!)
Damn That's a Cute Baby (Aug 1) - Timelapse day! Frannie feeling better. Traffic miserable. Jerome sighting. Five sandwich. Rich spot. Pretty... When and when. Gets the job done. Pier is interesting.
Girl On A Bike (Aug 2) - Kick the can. Stuck in the foyer. Get him an iPhone? All that swelling. No barking. Shorts and no bra, like how Candice always wears. Like a Kryptonite... Trainwreck great.
NYPD on Hoverboards? (Aug 3) - Casey trial run. Love the show. Bright and early. Arrow. Looks like Dodger. Can't handle the fame. DON'T STEP ON IT! Mma, mma, rabbit. Drunk?
The Key To Success (Aug 4) - Keyboard remix. I see. How's vacation. Reverse trick. That is true. Comfort zone. Focus is underrated. Spreading thin. Hypothetical is questionable. Can't sing & dance. Owen, the better person. Annoying? Distraction is unwelcome. DON'T COME IN! Benji? Crowd...
Custom LightUp Motorized SkateBoard (Aug 5) - Marlon in the intro. Wallet is being devoured. More visitors. That's being cut. Motorized scooter. Indoor only. More reasonable. Lean... $1500... Marvel of engineering. Flexible. Practical means. I can't believe... Winner: Normal skateboard.
Racing a Cop Car (Aug 6) - Whole family. Big painting. JR, photographer. Too liberal. Biased... Miracle of Birth. Gary's show, entrepreneur. Revolving bane... Clever? I'll take that. All 50 states?
Why I'm Scared of the Subway (Aug 7) - Marlon's good weekend. Lot very long. Are or not are. Monetizing soon. Owen's college fund. Riding bikes. Scary as its looks. VIACOM. Amazing lighting. One hour productive. Willy Wonka? Out of juice. Mail is too much? It's the stroller. Puppy?
Heading to Penn station, sneaking a poodle. One out of mind Uber driver later... great ending.
Too Much Drink (Aug 8) - Strolling. Title editing is more unconventional now. Target piano... No roof jeep for Frannie... Getting change? Frannie in bliss. Owen is still awesome. Movie & supper. Candice is very drunk. Owen, the designated driver. No seats. I mean Mission Impossible... 8?
Haunted Lighthouse in the middle of the Ocean (Aug 9) - Audio level? They should have a montage only vlog. I mean he. This is a lighthouse. Naughty crosswind. Jarring? Mowing later... Going back to Old Man's Spot or Scott's Lobster. Good children. Exhausted. Always gets an allowance. UCONN?? Sixty years? Around the same time. East Coast Taco. All done. Train back to the city. Dad =/= train.
Free Stuff (Aug 10) - Full mail time. Gym. New banana. Creature of habit. That is good. Creative package. Notebook. (From Sara) Clever. Maple water? Seven copies. Nice shirt. Please don't...
Explosive Shampoo (Aug 11) - No workout, shower. Flood? Appreciated gross. Jack is pissed. Smells like my grandma. Explosive. It's candy. Joe's, LA, alternative? APP IDEA not welcome. Longer??? Trainwreck was too long. High school, get out! Overhead rig. Recording studio. Argot and Josh.
Hot Sweaty Summer Day (Aug 12) - Early morning meeting. Using the footage from eariler. The jutaposition is wonderful and worth a watch, but not much to comment to. Ending fades are cool...
Wife Is Out Of Town (Aug 13) - Gigi wants a sock. I hate goodbyes. 6:30! Gigi is very cute. Get that vitamin D. Cheap movie set. Guilt free night. YEAH, New Song! It's like 90's techno and I like it.
Smashed MacBook Pro Screen (Aug 14) - Breakfast. Scatting while tense. Semi-private plane? Fancy bathroom stuff. Marfa? That's a great place. Sleeping in the lobby. Room 613??? Other bathroom? Overkill, perhaps. Wedding rehearsal. One stop light. You're 22 minutes late. White theme?
She Fell Off the Horse (Aug 15) - Laptop encroachment. Skateboard to the wedding. Take a ride. Hooligan men. Smallish wedding. 8 in the morning Bud Light. Freaking Freida? Merika? Festivity... Homie Clint. Serious skateboard. Border? In Marfa? Throwing eggs. Sack race! Committed to wed. That's a pun! Yay! Wild time-lapse. Fun running into you? Look at the horse. See: White people.
MacBook Pro Purchase Fail (Aug 16) - Goodbye, Marfa. Buying ticket. You too, always fun. First time in the economy class? It's the same time! Family matters. Not the end. We close at 7... CAPS?
MacBook Pro 15" MAXIMUM POWER (Aug 17) - Foggy morning. Funerals. Coming plans, change, exercise. Regular gym, nice nap. It's uncanny. Hotel Tour. So glitzy. Very happy now.
102 Degrees in Texas (Aug 18) - Famous Po'Boys. What do you see. Q & A must continue. Personal films. Events? First Casey sneeze. Question mark. Nana! Robin is in Arizona? Dim hotel. Smashing.
Driving a Cadillac on the Runway (Aug 19) - Somewhere... Fly back. Francine is a... So EARLY. Cadillac and a lounge. So good at crawling. That's Michael's thing. Back in New York. Typing noise. Later Jack. Racing uptown. Just forget this. You okay? Sfx. Interview. Hyper Gary is fun, though.
I've Got a Huge Head (Aug 20) - Quiet pizza. Dollar pizza fix gone. Live feed is cool. Good stickers. Mail Time. Giant Human Head. Team will love these. JAPAN! Saddle bag. Not as severe mess.
The Hardest Part of Vlogging (Aug 21) - That's a fake dog. I'll fly on the way back. Francine's friend Boosted board? Hallway? For food only? Best possible summer. Interrupting business lunches... Gucci loafer are important. Bump elbow, pounding vodka. Waffle, new camera. Worth it. So good.
Super Cute Beach Babes (Aug 22) - Baby on loose. Why is the wedding invitation on the back??? Triple Grande? Getting baby toys. Helping a little bit. Grabbing the skateboard. More trial. WATER.
She Said No Photos (Aug 23) - Food is in the freezer. Finding the range. Not satisfied. Just about. Fancy brunch not needed. That's not that bad. Lovebirds. Bridge is going up. Sebastian says bye. Conn. is fancy? Lot of dings. Little bit of kidnapping. Dennis feels nice. Dog is concerned. CA $$$
How To Get 1 Million Subscribers (Aug 24) - Babbles. Congratulation. That's mainstream. Beautiful people issue? Part of the route. NEW MAINSTREAM. Elitist artform. Never been accesible. Democratic and egalitarian and meritocratic (I said the problems here are reflected in that phrase.) Middlemen are gone! Well, only the platform. Remove the aspect of creation. Sara and Jack.
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