There's only one more left after this! Let's get down to it!
My Viral Video SECRETS (Jan 26) - Taking a nap? Ripped Jean parent. It's the second. Hey, welcome... talking YouTube stuff. Still viral and MILKING IT! Exciting and fun and momentary. Five and six video... iPod guy, Bike Lanes Guy, Snowboard guy... Keep changing it up... not bad though. Miss your viral video? Here it comes. All the obstructions. Stuck and watch a video. PDP??? Is it scary? OH YES. No succumbing. Gender diversity? LIGHTING SUPPORT! Zeirgeist, timing. FRESH! Clear message. Touched upon... society is a fickle thing. Feeling lucky. Criticism pt. 2.
2 MILLION IN 6 MONTHS (Jan 27) - Lamborghini + Giant Sign??? Snowy disgusting mess. Baby shoes? ANOTHER KID? We live together! Healthy juice tip... That's the landlord. I stayed up all night! BIG DEAL! This quickly? Oh S..., what now? Achievement! Kicking myself, best content. Largest cookie... pizza cutter! All day, errerday... Pun? More cookies! Nice balance. No... DENT!
Go-Kart Wheel HOVERBOARD (Jan 28) - Marlon, lovely as always. Bleeding in two places. Nice return... iPhone dies at cold... Nice transition. Fancy cookies? New footpad sensor. Jacket appears out of nowhere. Drone fail. Panel light! There it flies! Drone above me. Triple tech threat. Pretty close.
that time in Afghanistan (Jan 29) - Juice counter? Jimmy Conrad is so funny... I remember him from 2014 World Cup coverage. Story time... THAT IS ROGER. Like shoes. Journal and here in the office. Grieving. Much larger... Cathartic, what a word. Low-hanging fruit? Rescue mission. Tattooing? Oh. Playing cards. GAY PORN PLAYING CARDS! Going under. It's like family. It's like pizza.
THAT'S WHAT SHE LOOKED LIKE? (Jan 30) - Chocolate milk. I hate you. Hair all over. Peak awkward. She looks like Caitlin Hill. Oh... oh. Connecticut Welcome center. Booger in pants. Terrible driver. Lullaby are soothing. Dad's excitement is what I live for. Where's your brother? Winter start... Testing for new toy drone. Stunt double. Minor crash! Shaky. Huge, ech. Toy? Tech catch-up. Francine isn't feeling so well... and Casey with Owen... sees 13 HOURS... Meh. Boobs a lot.
I F@CK#D UP, BIG TIME (Jan 31) - Drone mishaps? Interesting? Cellphone mount! Got it just in time. Drone in high altitude. NO CONNECTION. I could see it. Alley crash. Drone has perished. IT SURVIVED!!! Tell my stories better. Pencil and paper works pretty well. Barely worth it. Recover?
MY ALL TIME GREATEST!!! (Feb 1) - Bad egg. When the flow cry? Rescue and recovery. Inherent risk... no clear means of access. Or Not. Be quiet, very very quiet. Back to the hardware store! Wildly different recovery approach. I'm getting vertigo. Oh, my palms are sweaty. Don't touch. WE GOT IT!
WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SNAPCHAT?? (Feb 2) - Oh, that's where Casey checks in... Sandwich... Letmegetta... Overcooked egg. How Casey packs. Horrible looking iPhone case. Lost? $100 bucks a pop. Oh, is that irony? This guy does? Social media... Facebook and nothing else. Human connection. I don't know single person. Chill out! I probably social media... Pewdiepie??? Thriving in a place and no one else. being funny is hard. Definitely YouTube. Tough... Feedback.
INSANE OFFICE SLIDE! (Feb 3) - All that YouTube Swag. Faraway titles. Ate all the candy... There he is? Lovely look. YouTube counter. Lot of overlap. Something like that. So smooth... Voiceover artist... Belly of the beast. A lot of Casey. Having a tough time. Coffee and donuts. Kale chips? YouTube slide. Rug burn. NICE censor. Rescue in YouTube. Well, that was short-lived.
AIRPORT SKATEBOARD SECRETS (Feb 4) - Going straight through. Elaborate shot, It's fun! Biggest truck in San Francisco. GENIUS. Good luck on Sunday... Niche. I saw you... somewhere. Really running late. That's the chronicle. Multitool? Borderline pleasure. Best and most expensive. $40.40. So much work, but sleep is imperative. Casey singled out!? Is this a private plane? Lovely. Back in New York City. Great movie selection. JFK is a honest mile of run. Warmer in February.
MAXED OUT MY CREDIT CARD!! (Feb 5) - One block away. Crane falling... Lighten up... MAIL TIME! I break everything. Rolex, wedding present. Uhhh... White strap from Everest! Fancy rubber. More story. Once-in-lifetime? Short-minded. That's a big snowboard. Strange universe. Surfboard???
She's Not My Girlfriend Anymore (Feb 6) - He switched the intro order... Special presentation. Candice raiding the packages. In-FIN-case. X-ray vision goggle. Even more caveman-ish. Initial marriage. RV roughing it! That's harsh. Crooked teeth. iPhone footage. Skinny hot breakup. Gnarly. Ever hear that name. You WILL end up together. Perfect, happiest marriage. Releasing that, propose. Rocket launch is always appreciated it. Entire bag of cookie for Gigi. Lucky charms from bottom???
WHO'S THIS GUY? (Feb 7) - Nev is back on the vlog. Won't stop snapchatting. Fast and short. THIS RUN IS OVER! Superbowl party? Changing pants. Her face is defined. Unsupervised ice cream. That's convenient. From the future. So cute... Relaxing and boring. Can't get horribly drunk... sitter is leaving very soon. What is going on... is that a late night rap battle. Tiny chair. Matrix! MOVE!
THIS WILL SOLVE MY BIGGEST PROBLEM (Feb 8) - TGIM! Working on Futon bed. Burning candles. First laptop. Huge inflection. One larger space. It looks like a studio space. TIME MACHINE... Great trick. Lot of iteration, maximize the productivity. Studio evolving... Remodel.
WHAT HAPPENED TO HER FACE? (Feb 9) - Faceswap app! Fantastic photographer... It's OUT. We're not make out people. Important message. Shorty Awards... Don't care... Hate losing? Under the radiator??? Desk. Rest of the stuff. Workshop Q & A, consistent. Great question. NO. Not a dancer. Never got an ounce of rhythm. San Fran... amazing city. HERE'S MARK W. GRAY! No permission. Owen or Francine, whatever you make them happy. From Kuwait. Waris with the Tiger. Beat up... HE's a Sikh. Jewelry designer, wedding ring! Handsome, great actor. Unbelievable. Frustrating.
She's Not a Stripper. (Feb 10) - Movie idea, so gray outside. Calculated and not efficient. Unseen Footage... Dollar pizza... those were the days. Blast from the past. Nice cast you had there. SENT!
WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING? (Feb 11) - Crash! Coldest day once again. Intense selfie sticks. Much in warm clothing. I can't feel my face!!! Test flight in the wind. Private air? Park... something? Sun is gone now. Airborne. I see the humor. Jr, Varsity. SO COLD! It's very red. Total Quality. He's Rel... Feature Length CAMEO! Production meeting. Fifth one this month. So Rel? Making movies like the good old days... SUMMER 2016... just like the old days. Studio balance.
SHE ACTUALLY MADE IT (Feb 12) - Major outbreak! Proper precaution. Heated Gear. Wearing a electric blanket. Kind of sad. In black? He's so nice, all the time. So good. Heading to BALTIMORE. Taking Francine with us. Make it by seconds. Continued hate. NOT DR. PEPPER. 6:00 train -> 7:30.
STAGE FRIGHT!! (Feb 13) - She's a baby! Teen event. Getting sick. Workshop with a lot of kids. Looks beautiful. Police officers? I think Baltimore is just overelying on police. That's fun. Much more intimidating. Plenty of screaming. Extreme intensity. Lunch in tourist trap. 5 below zero. Carrot cake is Baltimore delicacy. Sniffles and food. I got the milkshake. TV on phone? Quick peek. Wow...
She Picked a Fight on Valentine's Day (Feb 14) - Motivation. Why you sleep so much? Penn to penn. Always late. So much that it's dependable. Be nice to Dolly. Dog smuggling. Fashion week! Romantic. Still very cold. Why have models. All the paparazzi. LONG LINE. Taking the wine. Flowers. Mexicans? (Trump took over for a second, apparently.) 1996... not a classy lady. Dress for the part... that's what Fashion week is about. All the showing sold out. Good documentary... meh.
FROZEN PIPE OFFICE FLOOD DISASTER (Feb 15) - Niagara falls. Real holidays. If I were in charge... Dear Canon! Best point and shoot. Nickname for a camera? NO. 360 VR specialist... lot of the busy work. Gnarly scene. SCREAMING. Godspeed sir. Ski goggle. Hair is lovely. It's 25 degrees. Turning the camera and dropped it again. Pretty great. 8/10, nailed it! Taking the Owen way. Distance
i shouldn't have gone out. (Feb 16) - Flooded basement, unwelcome distraction. Not a good way. Drenched. Look at this mush. Are you on an airplane? 50 employees... Too good of a question. Value atrophy... world keeps moving. Every six months? Even always exist. Repetitive... life is nothing but things over and over again. Feel don't insecure. Dentist appt... Peanut Butter Cups. Are you coming!
FINALLY DID IT (Feb 17) - Look at all that dentist equipment. Casey has two dentists? Expression. To the overhead. New wall. Feeling better. Pain is increasing. So good timelapses. Astor Place. Why? Nice, short haircut. Ask for Benny. Quick shower. Figure something... Pills? Such a fuss...
Just the two of us (Feb 18) - It's the travel vlog in 4AM. Candice is coming, too! Party travel pants. Little rude. She was cold. It? MIAMI returns. Pancakes... Can't wait to meet her. Always exhausting. We're going to Panama. Weird buildings. Many drug lords use the building. All that chocolate. Panamadian? You have no pants on... gathering of people in Latin America. Action-packed itinerary. Love the Spanish Corral... Crushed ice and fans... as always. People on horse going on circles.
Her Worst Sunburn!!! (Feb 19) - We're in Panama. In the morning. Archipelago. (I can spell that) Riding here, update? What is this, Wes Anderson movie. Yonder! That's... a weird stick. We told you. Eat something? Quiet beach... and no sunblock... yikes. Little drone! She threw it! Crash in 3 second. OH MY GOD... That is incredible. Gale force potato. OH NO. Reviewing the footage. Goodbye! Back on the mainland. Going to a discotechque(?) SHE SHOULD SLEEP. Foodie fest? Raccoon.
Stuck in an Indigenous Tribe Canoe (Feb 20) - Won't focus, got it. That's why you love me? Jungle drone? Where in the tree... I don't want to touch you. Canoe in our future. Don't worry, it's a motorboat. Apocalypse Now... We're stuck. Back on the river. Flying the drone! I think we're jumping. Drone footage... best credit ever. Right in the drink. So much casualties. No one down there. That way? Basketball and dinner. Best ice cream. What with the... oh. Yeah. Ciao, absolute bedlam.
ROCKET SHOES! (Feb 21) - My pigeon daughter? Back in NYC! Through the Holland Tunnel! AS A FAMILY. I thought Casey's watching a vlog... Father-Son moment. Panoptican, little bit crazy... Susceptible to distraction... all survelliance is 95% paranoia and 2% pragmatism. Outside the 202. Rearview mirror... hello. $120 on Amazon. Owen's Mail time. No regards. Drone film festival. Project to be continued. Owen plays with all. MOTORCYCLE IN THE SIDEWALK? Manager. Making more mischief. Feet is for six year olds? Wrap for sparkling shoes. Come help me open.
the GREATEST APPLE COMPUTER (Feb 22) - Monday, Monday, Monday... Two tools. iMac DV. Half a basketball... swivel this. I used to baby this. Total powerhouse. Battery exploding. Tackle. Privacy is not needed anymore. Tower setup. Marriage business. Supreme. Just book it. Special cure. Candice's very indecisive. She was crying? Very real issue, JESSE. Take care. That makes no sense.
COOLEST DRONE (Feb 23) - New lens! Doing painting. Pink and green drone. It's gotten better. NOT GOOD. Totally unsuccessful. Drone is fine. Enough shenanigans... I don't hate free time? Still young...ish. Squander the opportunity? Going slow... Extrovert, obviously. Not a complete vlogs. Late at Night... big fan of Kanye... unfinished. Best friends. YES. Stove works? I love Lucky Charms. Deserves Inquiry. Amsterdam in April and May. Fight and Flight. Best view... Type of blood? Infomercial??? Great on a skateboard. No feature for me. Film as retirement plan? Middle Broadway. BACKGROUND, NOTHING IS CONFIRMED. That's the best time card. Something amazing?
is she making fun of me? (Feb 24) - Flying trash. Vlog about how to vlog. This is the Sara Dietschy! Excuse to promote the creator. 50% ridicule, great channel. Meaningful content. no pandering. Taking the wind out of the sail. All the vlog. Flattery? POURING! Scaffolding and Umbrellas. Bright purple, where everything costs $4... Everything is cool. Particularly reptilian. Stupid feet! Wall mount! Totally works. I get advice for my career. This is good and whu... BE THE CHANGE. Ricky from Zero Gravity and CollegeHumor and Vimeo and not taking auditions. Thank you, Kelly.
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