Sunday, April 30, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - April 30, 2007

See, John didn't the editing skills to get the intro down to a full minute out of the four minutes allowed. Worth it... I guess? We need representation! Moving on... Let me say John... it's not because of the key... it's because of you. I'm sorry to break that news... Dogs in LA!!!

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Lonelygirl15 - The Search For Jules

It's pretty obvious. Salmon jerky is good. Also, new actual video. As Bree has saying in Julia again. Feel-good tour guide. It's about litter, so just don't litter.

Hear Me Out
Seriously, these kinds of videos are the worst. Like there's no way, these videos will go on top.

Crazy Emo Chick
Like this variety of narrators. It's pretty cool. That's not a gun, Daniel, that's not remotely a gun. Also, hi Sarah, which is definitely not Hayley. I don't know there's a little resemblance.

Bucking Broncos - NBR Investigates
Oh god, that was... offensive? Buckin' bronco? Having a partner??? Very sandy, huh?

No Trespassing
These Texan girl is naughty! Just friends. Figuring things out. Too adventurous for me.

We Found Julia!!!
Interesting add of the helicopter noise. That was... creepy!

It's Not Kidnapping
Bree is going rouge. Turns out there was a disappearance case in Europe. Eh, I guess everyone was making bad decision regarding kidnapping in 2007. Eh, whatever.

Naïve Girl
Bree does have a thing for tying people up.

She's Missing
What a intimate moment... also, this is not available anywhere, which is sad.

Aiding and Abetting
Jonas is guilty. Of course, he's guilty. There's a selfish reason? Maybe he can cool off...

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - April 27, 2007

John Meyer song was before 2007 right? Wonder if the prospective homebuyer know how 'famous' they are by being inadvertently in a pretty famous video vlog series. I would like all my calls to have a potential to give me lots of money. It's sad that Hank is so desperate for money... least he turned out all right, but let's not forget Hank's hungry days. Least there's a point of sympathy there... Professional willing to give money? I guess this is the progenitor to Patreon. HELENA! Sorry, I'm already mumbling the words to the next song in Hank's playlist. Good thing Yeti has a job... it's interesting how John probably has a Female breadwinner... well, until The Fault in Our Stars, probably. How do author get their money? Do they get them from publishers? Like hey we sold 200 books, here's your cut... that's how it works? You're putting lot of faith on the publishing company. Actually, houses are expensive because there's a big mortage bubble, but I guess your explanation does feel better. Mark down that one as good... although Katherine does look high sometimes.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - April 26, 2007

Wait... are you proposing to me? Or are you donning anime pose? That's a Los Angeles sculpture. They do celebrate all industry in Los Angeles. Virgin Mary is aptly presented with a large... cover. John's love for pizza is large and undying. John doing a Sally Field impression. This kind of lighting and quality harkens me back to Lonelygirl15. PAPER TOWN REFERENCE! I could hear Gene Wilder's voice... maybe it's just me and he's beckoning me to the grave. Seems like Madam is pretty good at giving obscure hints. No the madam is saying that she's absolutely sure it's not in the stars. She's just clarifying herself. Don't misinterpret the madam! Birthday project...

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - April 25, 2007

That is weird. It's all weird. Guilt Three Free is when you do three terrible things at once. It's so cringy if weren't for the historical nature of the song. You can see how Hank is singing quietly so that neighbor won't get angry... his house is getting sold, remember? Hank realizes his creepiness.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - April 24, 2007

I love how John thinks Hank does know his father's birthday. John going deep with Hank's choice of Helen Hunt. How to Be a Lady... I mean it's hackneyed, but the jokes are great. This reading of the list feels like a sport radio banter. Here is the announcement. Both parties have house troubles now! It really is exciting. Don't worry, you'll find friends, including ones who dispense obscure movie references on the regular. I'll leave to you to find out who... Of course, the house are free, you'll sitting on a top of a bubble that would rock the nation. Hence all the house troubles.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - April 23, 2007

Interesting intro and thumbnail. Picking up a spare is like a good paragraph. - Robert Michael Pyle... Visiting professor? Getting that calculator. Taking the hours... Blogger's choice awards! Nice pointing to the pants, Hank. There's no comment with the common course. Helen Hunt reference!!!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - April 20, 2007

Brotherhood 2.0. contributor of carbon. Warning: John is going to do some maths. Ruffled collar there. Well, it's 2007 John. Seems like John is jealous of the cute little brother... CARBON NEUTRALIZED least till the month of April... I think now the neutralization will take $25,000?

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - April 19, 2007

THAT'S HANK'S HOUSE! That's a woodpecker. Oh no! House is for sale! Hank likes the house. $515,000... that's a mortgage broker! Life gets complicated. Winter is sucky. I love this dilemma, like this seems to be the precursor of the mortgage crisis that's in a year or so. Someone buys the house? Where you live here... understanding community. Which one is get their house sold.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - April 18, 2007

Emily Gould of... oh, RIP Gawker. We always miss you. John looks like Duckie. John's probablity of barfing... nearing certainity. That's so great. Car alarm really adds to the headache. Nice hellos!

Monday, April 17, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - April 17, 2007

Boring bureaucrats... least you can walk. Train and bike. Cold dinner... should have prepared? (Side rant: Tofu is not a meat substitute!!! It's in its own thing.) Yes, without lights, you wake up early and sleep early. Good for morning jogs. Candle, turns out... VERY INEFFICIENT. Electricity = modernity. How do we go forward... Some strange schemes? I look forward too...

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - April 16, 2007

Consuming carbon and bad postermaking. Couple of really important soccer games... of course, John shows his soccer appreciation. Off the beginning of sentences. Custody sharing... recycling page from his future novel, Paper Towns. Man, this is an old video. I think he won in 2008? Then to senate...

Lonelygirl15 - Going Underground

About The Gun
Safety... something, I guess. Alex has been demoted. Lied to the face! Jonas has been more aggressive, because he acts better angry. This is becoming like Jonas action movie. Bunker has toilet paper, right? This is Fallout... 2? Did the sequel came out in 2007... interesting whiteboard.

The Ceremony Girl?! - NBR Investigates
Alex is so fishy. That pinata joke is so good. Oh cats. 2007 YouTube, the good days. Fresh-faced, quality? Pretty innocent? Grasping at straws, Nikki... Parallel is eerie, indeed. Thanks, Kira.

New Girl
So, Nikki Bower has introduced to the canon of the series!!! Along with that Jules character.

Running For Life
Jonas goes out for a run. Also Jonas, you don't look happy. You look angry!

Daniel is drunk all the time. Jonas being a paladin. Daniel is being honest? Sure, I guess.

Practice Sucked :(
Seems like this is getting too dramatic for me, also it does look like the date is skewed. I'm still using the website for the dates, and so I'm just going through list. So that's how I'm going to do it!

Sloppy Drunk
Bree doing the update again, I like Bree doing updates. Jessica is good at soliloquy. That's some terrible MySpace page... oh my. That amount of power should not be given to a kid.

Field Trip
Looks like Jules live in Dallas! Did she shot J.R.? That's an old joke.

Blog Girl
Partner system finally happened, and you could get a custom thumbnail. Memory experiments, do people do this in bunkers? Higher power? Sure...

Quitting the Sauce
Drinking video made a Daniel a better man. Exercise montage! Time out. Was she a rogue element? Getting in the brain. Hippocampus is a very important part of the brain, let's say.

I Recognize Her!
Really familiar? Interesting. Too busy with school? Interesting.

What Happened to Us???
Let's remember the night. That's an interesting remix. Hitting the nozzle.

A Solid Lead
It's very possible this was filmed all at once. Kept her out of the dark.

Mi Escuela
Interesting. Okay Spanish.

Science Proved Nothing
There should be a lab coat. Weak condition. Pretty inconclusive.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - April 13, 2007

Huh, this does not have the intro. Interesting. Decreasing Carbon Levels Worldwide. Step it up! I mean before Obama, both party were settling into a conclusion, but then Republicans drove themselves off a cliff and they became evil incarnate... okay, I won't be that mean. Sorry.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - April 12, 2007

What are you doing John? Are you reading something? I'm sorry, I'm distracted by your nose. Interesting passage... Flight from Louisville from Chicago might not seem so fun now.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - April 11, 2007

Writing as writers do... Flooding by Global Warming... activists. LED light, it's the new fashion. Like flourenscent lights are cool, but their lights are... medical. LED can create warm lights... but they are little bit too bright. CD Cartridges... those were the days. Take a pretty picture!

Monday, April 10, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - April 10, 2007

John is always at the doctor, god how do you even live?! Ethan Youngerman made a play that performed in your house? And people came to see your house/play? John talks about being a role model and how that's boring? Perez Hilton does do that... also very sexist. Just disgusting. Who does support drunk driving? Frats? Enablers who want you to get lost, but is polite enough to have your consciousness be the arbiter of that fate? Boring books... I stand corrected? Whatever.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - April 9, 2007

That party looks great, got Batman and everything. Nice hiding of your mess there, Hank. Looks like Hank is out for revenge... I've seen that Wheezywaiter video, you won't like Hank in revenge!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - April 6, 2007

I always love John's railing against Hank for not having a religion. You are tired. Popular person... do you ever think throughout your years that YOU might have become the popular person? Scary thought, isn't it, John? That rap verse joke always cracks me up. That picture of Hank... oh my. That's secret life of Hank Green. Little did he know, John would also like make-up... I guess the badness of the make-up is still laughable, even more so knowing the expertise. It's a Good Friday miracle.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - April 5, 2007

Hank settles on his third choice for his punishment. It's really well done, though! I mean for a third choice, this was a stellar choice. Kissing your college roommate as Katherine... classic blunder. Katherine is a good sport, participating in a punishment. Also there's a reference to black lipstick which comes back to bite Hank once again in Brotherhood 2.0. Oh, Sydney, the savior to all.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - April 4, 2007

I agree with Maureen Johnson. Do the Hummer thing! Maureen actually looks younger? Like I was surprised by the relative youngness of her face... because I thought Maureen was immortal. Pet Monkey!!! Also, heavy work going on here. Putting stuff in your eye is optional, as in do it only if you have orbital cellulitis or similar eye infection. Anything But My Bald Spot and Guys, Do My Eyes Look Swollen is available in the nearest bookstore (read: Barnes & Nobles). Interesting question from Scott Westerfield and the nice discussion that follows. There's the White Whale.

Lonelygirl15 - South Of The Border

This is where we get lots of new character which will carry over for the new season.

Lying Bastards
Mexico! They are seeing good stuff. Typical Mexican house. Alex might have some issues...

Party Time!! - NBR Investigates
Nikki has been better. That parody is amazing! Nikki always seems little bit drunk.

Spring Break Sucks
Bree becomes this really complex character. A heroine for the ages and Jessica Rose takes the job quite commendably. Tend and befriend, interesting. That was quite fun, it's nice.

Bree has a good confrontation strategy, she learned from her experience, I think. Interesting.

Hug It Out
Dang, that backstory was interesting. Jonas seems to have a deeper connection to The Order...

Call Me Jules
Apparently this video is not available in USA. But I still linked it! Anyway, seems to a new girl. Perhaps The New Girl? I don't know, she seems... weird. Let's move on.

Apology Accepted?
Alex is in the rock and the hard place right now and she might explode. Things are just about to be complicated, so there's going to be more writing, or less writing... I'm not sure.

Having fun on the beach? Honorable? Jonas, it is getting gross... Bree is... I guess, okay. Found inner peace. Oh so mocking. Local garb? Seriously? There's no dog, I can't watch this. They are in Cabo, right? And also it's been long time since LG15 video recap has been three lines.

Following the Drugs!! - NBR Investigates
I really don't like Nikki anymore. She's not a relief anymore. That was good transfer of the ARG ending for the moment. I really think this is a turning point. Nikki is getting more involved. OH! This might be the first reference to the Hymn of One! The actual name of the organization.

He's a monster, I promise!!
This is just more rambling, this shouldn't have been a main plot.

The Perfect Beach
The place to be for a ominous story. Oh, I thought something had happened. The actual transition is sudden quite sudden. Quickly turn into... I'm not gonna do the joke.

First Video (I know, lame title)
FINALLY! FINALLY! We have a new main character... well, we don't know, but she is, I promise, in the series. Here she is, Taylor! Forwards... aggressive. It's the three S's. Double overtimes, everyone hates the shootout! That's just the truth. Sam seems to be not good.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - April 3, 2007

In Washington with wind turbines. That is a pretty tree. Fish throwing is quite awesome. That is one of the oldest donut making machine still in operation. THANKS! That is what work is. Being lazy Hank??? That is inconsolable! Make TV? This is a web production! $10, very kind.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - April 2, 2007

Tuesday... February 2nd... The Ramble is apt. Your wilderness is strangely similar to the wilderness of The Internet. Porn out of nowhere. Yeah, it's in the mud. John posing through Central Park feels like he's a model for something. Like he's posing for Nerdy Boy Monthly. Nice geese approach.