Friday, January 2, 2015

2014 Vlogbrothers: Video by Video

GOOD NEWS: 14 Reasons 2014 May Be the Best Year Ever
Okay that's from 12/31 from let's start here, because world is getting better unlike what you think.

The Golden Gate Bridge Didn't Collapse!! (1/3)
See, this tell you how. World would look terrible... okay, it was more terrible than other recent years.

Warm Things for Cold Times (1/7)
Hey, Willie! Also Esther's book is beautiful and AFC Wimbledon supported by Nerdfighters.

Global Warming and the Polar Vortex (1/10)
4%, 5%, 12.5% is my sample. 2% make sense... Also Alex Day ALERT. Thinking about it... eww...

Giving Away Over $700,000 (1/14)
Subtle. Ten charity is pretty diverse and good. Twenty is AMAZING! I hope this continue upward...

54 JOKES! In Four Minute (1/17)
These are one of my favorite videos. Really. Favorite: Steak puns. That’s a rare medium well done.

Are Poor Countries Doomed (1/21)
The video that came calling. Myths... just it doesn't make sense. Incurably poor? You just want that.

The Naughty Professor: Hank and John at the Beach - REUNION! (1/24)
Gulf is nice. Florida is nice... kind of. Just avoid the bad parts. Farts and Naughty Professor... XXX?

Question Tuesday! TFIOS Movie Trailer, Penguin Knees, and Backflip (1/28)
Shanks? Movie trailer... Nile from the One Direction? I KNEW IT? No incomes? ENCORE!

In Depth Viewing of the TFiOS Trailer (1/31)
Brother competition. Trailer or Hank and the Tree? Hank and the Tree wins. Sorry John! Trailer is when I started disliking the book. Not that it would hurt you... Sensible viewing from Hank, though.

Should We Raise the Minimum Wage? (2/4)
I say yes. Raising the minimum wage is only way most American could get a living wage these days.

Kill All The Humans (2/7)
IT. IS. PEOPLE!!!!!! Should I feel bad for existing? I do not know. But I'm happy that I exist. I think.

A Middle Aged Man (2/11)
It's good??? Yes, because... now you remembered. Celebrity is bad? Okay, is it your defense?

Happy Third Chocolate Day! (2/14)
Romantic! Olympic was pretty good, everything around it... bad. That double win was cool. WOW! Commercials! Wha, every second! Seriously, do not complain about ads on web. Art Assignment!

18 Great Books You Probably Haven't Read (2/18)
You never done the book review... although, you might have read 18 books... being busy and all.

Ranting about Books (2/21)
Another Hank rant video. This always makes me laugh. Yeti has a YouTube channel? Weird.

John and Chris Meet in the Middle (2/25)
Chris Waters is actually really funny. He should be in YouTube. Also, Indianapolis is cool. 

The Cost of Fun (2/28)
Bookstore is really cool... also it's strange money doesn't correlate, Is it how it supposed to work... Also really funny, the diversity of book reading time by Nerdfighters... Two moths versus 4 hours!!!

Understanding Ukraine: The Problems Today and Some Historical Context (3/4)
Ukraine had so much glory... 20th century for them was not a good century. 21st doesn't seem either. Stalin was horrible... could be more that Hitler... Well, Baltic is far away by ideology... Euromadien!

Thoughts from a Cruise (3/7)
JoCo Cruise Crazy... Emphasis on the crazy. complexity to get back to simplicity... hm. Lake!!! 

Question Tuesday: TFIOS Movie, Existential Crises, and Symbolism (3/11)
No one's objective. Existential Crisis, Lifted Out! Doing projects. IndyCar is something. Symbolism!

Sexual Abuse, Consent, and Culture (3/14)
Response to first wave of allegations. Love is co-operation! All three has been done, by the way.

Is the American Dream Real? (3/18) 
"In New York anyone who can work can work" Aside camera! Danish Dream is little more scary... (That was a Hamlet reference.) Slovenia is mentioned a lot here. Innovation, though?

The Great Goose Migration (3/21)
Freezeout Lake! Land before Rocky Mountain. Garlic trick was crazy... Daylight is very stupid, yes.

I Gotta Go: Signing Off and Thinking about Inspiration (3/25)
Signing off and Ian Shoales is interesting. Only dogs can hear that high note. 

New Album, New Channels, New Fabric, New Internet Thing! (3/28)
Lot of update and little experiments. WE ARE BRINGING CULTURE TO YOUTUBE! $10 Sale, Hank Green and The Perfect Strangers "I want to make an internet thing!" Did not lasted long.

Good choice, Henry. Montana, Mongolia same thing. brontosaurus? Go to Brain Scoop for more info.

Mass Incarceration in the US (4/4)
incarceration in America, THIS IS A INTRO... there's much more to talk like RACISM WITHIN!!! Just to tell you... people don't search for it... you should. That's what internet is here for. 

I Don't Even Know (4/8)
Good turn of phrase and pratfall! Also, John does the extra thing in prison for us. Thank you. Paperback is here as well... doing tour and other stuff. Organized small states! Unintentional rhyme.

What Boys Look For in Girls (4/11)
Very interesting perspective on this stuff. We’re crazy! Express Ourselves... Girls are not the photons that hit the corneas of boys. Great line and also that last song is from the new album.

Walking the Red Carpet: Thoughts from Los Angeles (4/15)
L.A. Times book festival is amazing and cool. Look at those screaming fans. Also book club!

What is The Oldest Song? (4/18)
Song from 3500 years ago... now on YouTube. YOLO? T-Shirt is awesome. 

Understanding the Central African Republic (4/22)
That also happen this year. I need to remember that. 

I Love Science (Clean Version) (Uncensored link in the Description) (4/25)
I do like this version better. The line flows better. F-word is usually awkward in a line.

Influence, Airports, and the Nerdfighter Book Club (4/29)
100 most influential person? Behind the Beautiful Forevers is very interesting.

Hank vs. Hank: The Net Neutrality Debate in 3 Minutes (5/2)
It work better in 2008. There's better video everywhere. 

TFIOS Movie Madness, Incongruent, and Headless Hotel People (5/6)
Thank you. TMNT for life, Partners in Health, for actual life. Tour was nuts... preferably cashews.

Oh JK Rowling - Kinetic Typography (5/9)
Very predictive Harry Potter song... Vidcon and tour... It's touring season.

Perfect Puff and Endless Interviews: Touring and Hollywood Press Junkets (5/12)
Press Junket Interviews is just crazy... first-worldiest first-world problems... Repetitive. Community has never really been about us. An important quote to remember. 

The Myth of Greatness (5/15)
Your home contains amazing people who do amazing things... so, find them and support them.

Deserving (5/19)
Luck is a product of chaos and chaos rule us all. Yeah, I feel like a death metal junkie, but I'm not.

My Freakish Talent (5/23)
Miracle! We transcend our brain chemistry and create a code beyond the atoms...Spiritual! CENSUS!

ALL THE SHIRTS (and some paths to community) (5/27)
Support for the your country in the world cup (it was a crazy world cup.) So much support!!

Nerdfighteria Census 2014 Results! (5/30)
100,000 people. Lot of people... Rock stars and Subbable as well. Spend well. Levar Burton!!!!

The Fault in Our Stars Movie Premiere (6/4)
It's a important metaphor.. Blue carpet! Slightly fried? Even gone. Hey, there's a YETI!! Not bad.

Thoughts from the TFiOS Premiere! (6/7)
This is Hank's view... pretty different, I believe. Katherine is amazing. Interesting perspective.

Our Old Friend Complexity: Behind the Beautiful Forevers (6/10)
We continue with complexity... Diversity is nice. Luck is fun... and also very important. 

How to Make Cinnamon Toast (two ways) (6/13)
Team Soggy versus Team Crunchy! Hank did the metaphor thing. Toaster Oven? Better to not... yes. How to avoid stress? I know! Unconsciousness.

Old. (6/17)
This is a very long winded story about a middle-age crisis and very funny injury and I like it.

Pre-History of Online Video (6/20)
OLD VIDEO is still really cool. Homestar Runner is amazing and I applaud the Chapman Bros. Also Neil Cicierega great and still great. Also Ze Frank pretty important in the story. Oooga-chaka... 

In Pursuit of Quiet (6/24)
loud-quiet is correct, quietest place must those place where you absorb all sound, and you can... no.

My Day Before VidCon (6/27)
Ah, I want his life! I don't know but that stress and work seems so tantalizing!!! I'm insane...

Why I Love Makeup (7/1)
I never really worn makeup, although I should because I have all these zits and pimples, but I feel like what John talks about rings true and that we should remove makeup from femininity.

13 Things to Know about Concerts (7/4)
Wear deodorants, and comfortable shoes. Finally, DON'T WORRY ABOUT LOOKING COOL!

The Future of Nerdfighteria (7/8)
Real Life is a close second... dragons are dinosaurs... kind of. FUN-draising and investment, Survey!! "I do not need any more potassium today, because that is bananas" is just a great line.

Touring with a Rock Band in 1,8X&,00B Simple Steps (7/11)
Splatinum! It's a very important element. thirty toof, it's very important number.

Exciting Announcements and Mosquito-Borne Illnesses (7/15)
Being excited in the bedroom... Arbovirus and Chikungunya, nasty stuff... Pulitzer Prize??? What?

Favorite punishment? Tie between Hankroll and the Frog-hopper actually. That was fun.

Ambiguous Victories and Real Progress: Behind the Beautiful Forevers (7/22)
I need to read a book or something similar to comment on this.

Towering Mountains of Ignorance (7/25)
Thought is not knowledge. Guess are useful... Not tie your opinions to your concept of self. Socrates?

Listen: Thoughts from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (7/29)
We need to create a in-grown system rather than impose the system that work for some other people. OUR world is also VERY LITERALLY their world... probably the core of my principle.

"THIS IS UNPLEASANT, RUN AWAY!" Feel the burn! All the pains! Capsaicin tricky! Why... Denver the last dinosaur, he's my friend and a whole lot more.

Happy Esther Day! (8/3)
Day all about Philadelphia but not Philly, because it's about brotherly love? The other three love...

Who Owns a Monkey's Selfie? And a Song About Meningitis! (8/8)
No punishment because hospitalization... Hank Show? Stop, John, stop. YAY fair use!

EBOLA! (...meningitis) (8/11)
Fact: you know meningitis is more deadly in the US than EBOLA? In fact, JOHN got from the US!

The Bizarre State of Copyright (8/14)
Content ID is just amazing and also problematic! That's how legal thing are supposed to work, right? It's an utilitarian solution, it's wrong for both parties but it make both parties happy to a certain extant

Baby Names: Thoughts from Rural Ethiopia (8/17)
All human lives have equal value. Women's Health Army. STATISTICS! Helicopter!

Kidneys, LlamaJohn, Frankenstein, Back to School, and The Nerdfighter Online Video Workshop!
(8/22) <- Hey why's that here? Also Who likes the little, little duckies in the pond? I do, I do, I do, a-chick-a-quack-quack. Sorry, YAY! video workshop! And here's the Ice Bucket Challenge!

Food Is Weird: Understanding Agriculture in the Developing World (8/26)
Food is weird, it's wildly dependent on nature especially in the third world areas and also other stuff.

What's the Difference Between A and Z (8/29)
Extra information: C: Colleges, in some countries, are equivalent to middle schools!!! So don't be confused... E: British is a very confusing subject especially at the time posted... you know referendum. Basically the corundum comes to what you mean by British, do you mean Britain in terms of the United Kingdom or the island that's Great Britain  or The British Isles (which doesn't make sense to me), and to some extant, Irish, depending on what you mean by Irish, do you mean The island of Ireland or Eire, as they call it, or the nationality of Ireland, the country, or the ethnicity of Irish... like Irish-Americans and sorts. See it's complicated. G: (Since Hank skipped it) What's the Difference between gelato and ice cream? Gelato is made with whole milk and not, you guessed it, cream. J: Of course in Britain, Jam is both what we call Jam and Jelly in the US and Jelly is what we called Jellos. Because trademarks. N: A NAS (Network Attached Storage) device delivers storage to clients over a IP network (ethernet). A SAN (Storage Area Network) is a usually large storage device that delivers to clients over fiber channel (not IP network). But SAN information could be delivered to an ethernet cord, so yeah... P: Peanut butter is creamy or crunch and Jelly is tangy.  U: Uber and Lyft, I think uber is you driving someone else's car and Lyft is you driving someone else... right? Z: Ah, two countries separated by a common language...

Wow. There has been in a thousand... Share pictures that you wish to remain private... hmm... I see.

Nic Cage and also people were less angry than the real announcement. Unironic enthusiasm? Gigigigi

Going to College (in Ethiopia) (9/9)
Need to fact-check and also it's true... For fun and for school? Ah, nostalgia. "What is real life??". Real life is complexity. And I like it.

Hanging with High School Hank (9/12)
Hank is finally MOVING! Jeff! I was into abs, apparently. I was a mascot in my high-school. It's a lost art! "2018: find the Loch Ness Monster." John's signature was totally different then.

It's Question Tuesday! Cheesy Jokes, Paper Towns Movie, and Dinosaur Butt Brains (9/16)
Brilliant acting!!! It might happen. John, Green! Right? Metaphorically dead. Success? Happy socks!

The Oculus Rift is Freakin Me Out (9/19)
New house and new channel! WHERE DID YOU PUT THE BATHROOM?! No ink... Physics Girl!

Bill Gates and John Green Discuss Agriculture (9/22)
People question the leftover crop and hybrid crop with the patents.. sorry, I don't what I'm talking.

Looking Away (9/23)
Water. Water. One of the ancient elements and also something so weird and so precious.

Gettin' Real with Hank (9/26)
So much stuff and so weird with luck. Surveys are fun! Tell me what to do! Democracy! Giant balls!

Bill Gates and John Green Discuss Progress (9/29)
This is more happy... sometime, technology is unexpected.

Keeping it EVEN REALER (9/30)
Don't make this a competition. Problems of extreme, extreme privilege. More and less!

Hong Kong Protests Explained (10/3)
99 year lease... in hindsight, very funny! Immigration? Crazy with the control! Corruption... Shopping excursions? Inevitable. Chief Executive, like the City of London. Weird story...

I Kind of Hate Batman (10/7)
People are little angry about this argument. And how it's wrong? Catwoman is cool, though.

I Kinda AM Batman (10/10)
Like First-past-the-post voting creating the spolier effect? Comic, where interesting things happen.

A Minor Crisis (10/14)
Most complicated pleasures of being wrong. Nearly same... $45,000 start! LfA for 10 years! HANK! OOOOOOHHHH! Burn! Walking Dead Burn! Burn and going to be disliked. John's such a troll.

MY FACE ON A BUS (10/17)
Hollywood, Roosevelt Hotel! Hank is just going for this, though! WOW! Mainstream?

Ebola: What IS Terrifying (10/21)
The things that seems far away is affect us in a real way and vice versa. It's a scary thing.

#Octothorpe - A Symbolistic Journey (10/24)
This is for a single joke. It's again worth it. Yeah, a strange sign and a strange story with it.

The Paper Towns Movie IS HERE! (10/28)
Halston Sage! Jaz Sinclair is also really nice. Ben paid $100? Happy ending!

Ten Terrible Reason to not Vote (and two good ones) (10/31)
It happens. But please vote... and no one voted this election and now we're stuck with ugh...

Mustaches and Movies: Day One of Paper Towns (11/4)
Feels just like Orlando in April. Wyck Godfrey is crazy. Movie set crier... in both ways.

New Crash Course and Pizzamas! (11/7)
Google kickstart but the audience started to giving money. PBS is doing connection. Other Things???

The Woman Without a Face - Pizzamas Day 1 (11/10)
Yay, 4:30! Limited edition! Phantom of Hielbronn is really just funny and really embarrassing.

Lacey and Angela Question Tuesday: Pizzamas Day 2 (11/11)
Great answer... I bet Nat could do.. four. John and green, again? Oh, that's good too! Oh...

The History of Pizza John! (11/12)
Officially feel weird. Official emoji combination. Left behind? Tears... Bee and Puppycat, Good. nerdfighter badge? Why is Pizza John? We just want more!! A lot weirder...

The History of Pizza and the History of John: Pizzamas Day 4 (11/13)
Grapefruit is the new meme now. None pizza with left beef.  Christopher Columbus, good for Europe and Americas... Dangerously delicious? Dessert pizza is great! Nathan? Margherita, nice!

A Surprise Relationship Between John and Hank! (11/14)
Tiny disk! Stars don't actually twinkle.  Slow and Steady Loses the Race But Who Cares As Long As You're Not Dead. Diphthongs John, you and I have the same name!

Combines and Movie Magic: Pizzamas Day 6 (11/17)
Corn is crazy... Improvement in the pointing game! But I have a chair. Green screens!

How to Never Feel Embarrassed Again (11/18)
Embarrassed and confidence. This is basically, Hank's thought on mistakes. Moving on up! The dates

The Future of the Project for Awesome: Pizzamas Day 8 (11/19)
Jupiter, serious... or not. Project for Nat. Creepy abandoned building of comments. Favorite time!! Oh, it's a bathroom! Oh, it's quite lovely.

Announcing VidCon 2015! (11/20)
Love the song and vidcon, too. Really awesome changes... I'm very excited for this.

The Sleepiest Sleepyhead in Sleeptown (11/21)
John is just done. Model face... Just the kind of environment. Cool.

Tyler, Ingrid, Troye, Hannah, Mandy, Jenn, and Rosianna Visit Paper Towns (11/25)
Question for everyone... No 42, ashamed. What??? Slowly dying. Friends?

Global Health and Human Hair: What the Vlogbrothers are Thankful For (11/28)
Deepest, darkest Friday... I have miscalculated again? But he's keeping it! Sounds hard! Signing... "I'm gonna grow into this." John really like signing!

What You Eat Of Those You Love (12/2)
Norovirus party of 2014... where everyone just got norovirus... Good. Very dangerous balance...

A Brief History of Homestar Runner (12/6)
Ryder has grown so much... SO much! I'm crying. Again, Homestar Runner!

I'm Home! Time to Get Ready for the 2014 Project for Awesome (12/8)
More extra video! There has been a lot of extra videos... pretty cool. Also P4A!

Question Tuesday with Cara Delevingne of Paper Towns (12/9)
You know? A face touch... Someone is gonna draw that. Very nutritious. Good morning and goodbye

NONSENSE: P4A 2014 - Partners in Health (12/12)
This is really nice ad for Partners in Health and this is a very important charity...

Jelly Face, Sharpie Face, Peanut Butter Face, and Mummy Dancers: The 2014 Project for Awesome (12/16) <- This happened again. Also P4A sickness 2014... not again. Not again. Sarah appears fully.

BUTFARTMAN Is Coming To Town! (12/19)
All that moment, it's silly and yeah, just stuff! Also, not appearing because P4A sickness 2014.

Agloe, New York (12/23)
So this is the story of Agloe, New York. A weird story of fiction reality.

The Best and Worst of 2014 (12/26)
This was a year that we should have had. There is many hate and stuff but this year's important.

Racism in the United States: By the Numbers (12/31)
So, we end with this. A grand overview of racism in US. This I feel like is the progress that we had in 2014. That's good. I think this year was a trans-formative year and yeah...

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