Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - September 26, 2008

One Robot Carl, two Robot Carl, Tree Robot Carl, four Robot Carl Warm Robot Carl, The book about Robot Carl out today!

Hang with April May Robot Carl Metal Samurai Robot Carl He'll be our first friend in space. Robot Carl, llama, duck.

We're tired of our president Everyone hates him He put us in certain hell Let cronies run his world But now that midterm is happening And life will have less suck Time for him to impeach now And become a duck.

Did you ever see Robot Carl Feed Robot Carl on Robot Carl Mama of Robot Carl, the A. R. T. is out right now!

Power man of steel Robot Carl Young Robot Carl, hip Robot carl Funtime at the beach, reading AART right now, llama, duck.

I'm scared of Republicans They say they want same But then they want to crash the place And let him hurt my brain I'll register to vote today [And] proudly proclaim I will not go left or right [Only] vote for sane. [Repeat as necessary]

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