Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 27, 2008

Just one of many... animal breeding songs in Hank Green's Oeuvre. This might be the first one. Hank won't write songs until he finish the sequel, but we'll see something soon. SEPTEMBER 25TH!

Monday, February 26, 2018

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 26, 2008

It's such an iconic video, the meme is still going on, after all these years. John is joining a marine??? There will be more than 20,000 by now. When does Question Tuesday happen? But with books. Freaking meeting... that's still happening? Slaughterhouse Five is pretty good and also part of Crash Course Literature. Giraffes doing it, also RIP Ning. THE CURSED CHANNEL REVIVES!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 21, 2008

Talking with the hair. Beginning to lose the will. There's so much outtakes. Maus is pretty good. Something about the Mountain Goats? Although it's coming back... First Cuffs reference! Of course, John will take the top spot with this. Definitely Lincoln... IT'S A SECRET! Just one of the benefit. That's a few years away, both Helen Hunt and The Yeti. More freedom of choice?

Monday, February 19, 2018

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 19, 2008

Oh, Hank is beatboxing... 13 Little Envelopes, Hank will be Europe in few years, so good. The book does go fast, because it's really good. AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK! $10? Probably more like $100 now-a-days. It's like a Torah. First reference to Fraggle Rock. BANG? Does it include Esther. Pretty sure, most of these people are still very active. 1987? That must be the most obscure... Austen. Ah.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 14, 2008

Older brother is the defiant one I see. I see puff level is relative. 6.54 inches... good for balancing budgets and RUNNING FOR GOVERNOR! The primaries is in a month!!! (and a week, of course) Natural conclusion? But there's always new books, like your new books... and Hank's book... Thank you, A. A. Milne. Things have... worked out? 54... jeez. Finding new friends... in the discord server?

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 11, 2008

I also really need a haircut. Christmas books like Neuromancer and Maus? That's very good. Reading has picked up again, although it would take 8 years. Oh, there's an old post from this blog that tells us the funny beginning of blurbs, go and take a look. NERDFIGHTING BLURBING BOOK CLUB! Maureen Johnson is really good, probably my favorite of hers, although I need to read her mysteries.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 8, 2008

Reading and public event amidst the nasty stuff. School Board Parliamentary Procedure... I think he should John Green's other books to understand... also thank you Hank for that definition. Definitely Queen Ranavalona. Daily allowance of awesome. They both have book adaptations. Nes... hmm. That's one of the classic. That's Anthony Flew. FUTURE GOVERNOR (He's catching up!) He did!

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - February 4, 2008

Hank is going brain-wired, but we're talking about Super Tuesday! It's a great person. Same thing. Strangely, still the same after ten years. Oh god... I mean we did get a Romney-Ryan ticket. That's pretty close in terms of scariness. YOU WOULD NOT KNOW HOW HORRIBLE IT WOULD GET... I really wish Obama did that. Hank was so far to the left... and now... he likes capitalism.