Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Stop the Nerdfighters! (Parody)

Well, I found some incriminating news of latest reach in the demonic possession of Nerdfighters. Somehow this bizarre Internet cult have take one of fine British Athletes and made her do this incriminating gang sign in the face of this world.

Readers, this bizarre cult has been around the medias, spawning in the BAFTA, British's Got Talent, Fox News, Wall Street Journal, New York Times and now the Olympics.

This Abomination must be stopped. They take out their flesh and blood and turn into aw-e-so-me, which  might have links to hallucinatory drugs. This intellectual loners bury their time watching for symbols in Harry Potter and Star Trek, known for their demonic affiliations.

Along with a gang sign, they have a weird dance ritual, which shows the individual's faith in the cult leaders. They also wear red demonic shirts depicting their cult leader and a strange acronym, PIZZA. Our team of researchers have yet to find a meaning for this phrase, but is assumed to ancient demonic incantation.

They are also known shout this phrase DFTBA as their farewell statement which is purported to mean "Don't For-get to be Aw-e-so-me" which seems to refer to the conversion of flesh and blood to a-we-so-me.

If we're to found these hideous men/women, be prepared to shout Unicorn, their sworn enemy, or say that we're part of Transformer known as the Decepticon. Be sure to be ignorant of such demonic influences, like science, Young Adult literature, or YouTube as these are key gateway to becoming mindless Nerdfighters.

Stay safe. This monsters might be everywhere, hidden in plain sight. Be wary of your friends and family as they might be infected to the horrendous cult of Nerdfighters!

EDIT: We have found that the Nerdfighter gang sign comes from tombs of Jewish Rabbis. Is this lead our theory of Nerdfighter as a Jewish conspiracy threatening to take over the media to a new level? More stories  as we develop.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

To the nerds

Who is a nerd? Could be a taunt, could be a deep, hidden question. Why we want to know who is a nerd? Is he a nerd? Is she a nerd? Same thing with gay; we just want to classify the person's identity. It's hardwired to our brains, it's what the brain is there to do (according to some studies that suggest our social behavior contributed to the growth of the brain). But why nerd? Why gay? Buchanan had a gay interest but they didn't care. They probably didn't think that gay affected their sexuality. They just kept it non-announced. They accepted the idea of the 'gay' and not made it a thing. They accepted as those thing were 'wrong' but people do anyway, like drinking or smoking. But back to the main point. Nerd seemed to grow a defense mechanism to deter newcomers, stemming from the fact that it might destroy the Nerd community. That it might taint or disrupt the purity that is the Nerd kingdom. In fact, this look like it stems from the ideas that they embrace. The underdog under constant auspicion of attacks, but beating the fear they embrace and taking a new world order for the better. But as the 'nerd' things have gone mainstream, they fear that they lost the disadvantage of being the minority. Nerd had become America. Or anyone else, in fact. I was going to say that Nerd is a modernist culture -- wants order, wants to progress -- but the postmodern idea made that pure thing tainted and mixed into to nothingness. Hipster might be a response to that. But no. This is something more fundamental. People always had the idea that they are the minority and that everyone else is there to attack us. It's something that's in us biologically; oxytocin gives sense of familiarity to those that are close to us but to the others, not so much. In fact, it's the opposite. This might have stemmed from the fact that in the early days people were isolated and constantly filled with dangers and other people, other than people close to you, were threats. They steal things. It's basically the breaking point. Our ideals and our desires are not working concurrently. What we desire is what it fuels the world, but our ideal contradict and even condemn our desires. Idea of repression seems harrowing to us, but sense of mindless violence is also frightening. What do we do? We, Nerds, can fix this. We're the rational ones, right? We can overcome our desire and... what make us Human? Is it our faults? Is it our irrational love of something on a paper. That never should affect our ways our life? We're at the crossroads. There's multiple ways. We have learned enough. But how do we use them? Will we ever move on? Thanks for reading.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Why Hitler?

John's latest video and continuing to talk about the Evil Baby Orphanage made me think about Hitler. Why Hitler? Why make a law for him denoting that after sometime that have to put him up as absolute evil? Why is he the No. 1 worst man in history, while what he done pales comparison to others? Why not Genghis Khan or Stalin or even Bin Laden? Why Hitler? Is it because of the propaganda? All of History Channel and Allied posters made him what he is? Or was it because he was the last baddie? We'll never have a mean person like him as our perception of the baddie has changed. Why did it change? Well, first of all, complex diplomatic affairs ,but there's more to that. Is because of what he did? Maybe. He did kill most people because of ideology, and subject of the genocide live quite close to us. But what really make him appalling is not just the action. But how he was just an abused boy who liked painting and they rejected him and he got angry and wanted to start a revolution in a beer pub but miserably failed and his book of rambling made best seller for no reason and now he controls Germany. There's something humane about how he came up to be bad. It wasn't just blown up version of what we did for centuries but something coming from our brains. Jew killing was just said by other people, and he just became a deranged puppet. There's something we can relate to, that we could be bad as them and nothing really to stop us from that. Best villains are not card carrying ones, but one that we relate to going mad. One who took a slightly different -- and deadly -- path. That realism is what make us scared. That they are one of us. Just with a different motivation. As we know about Osama, I think we could relate to this man more and be more thoughtful how he became bad. Just like Hitler. It's about becoming bad, not being bad that horrify us. Thank you.

vidcon (repost)

So, I'm taking a trip to Montana this summer and I was thinking about Montana and its great city of Missoula  and the city's greatest resident, Hank Green. (Okay, I may be inflating him a bit but let me get to that.) And I'm also thinking about the Hank Green's contribution, VidCon and the vlogs that comes out from it. YouTube started as an aggregation site. It was a place to store the videos to link to their website. Then around 2007, with the success of lonelygirl15 and others, YouTube became a site for stand alone video. Videos for YouTube, not just a easy way to access videos. So a YouTube community was formed and people started to mingle. First YouTube Gathering done by Mr. Safety, as example. Or Renetto meeting with that women whose name I can't remember. But the root of YouTube videos also had outside influnces, Rocketboom and Ze Frank gave to us a basis for video reporting and community-building that still reverberates today. (I still ship Ze and Amanda) What Hank Green did, with his brother John, was bringing it YouTube. Kind of perfect it, you know. John and Hank's Brotherhood 2.0 video made a community that will grow to be a web of great Youtubers with their own fanbase. It gave YouTube a message, with Project for Awesome and after Brotherhood 2.0 they continue to build, eventually with Vidcon. YouTube before Vidcon was at a breaking point. The community of YouTube was starting to fall apart and never to be recovered. Then Vidcon fixed that. Actually, it did better. It homogenized YouTube, bringing the like of Charlieissocoollike to like of ShayCarl, bridging the gap and discovering new YouTubers. Then second Vidcon happened. Fear of commercialization was on everyone's minds, but Vidcon utilized that.  It brought the corporate world  into a sense of being, part of rules they we created, not changing the rules to fit their means. YouTube began to plant its business model with the business of YouTube. Seeing Vidcon videos, I was reminded of how many people with different aspiration and interest came to have fun. Vidcon provided a corner to all of YouTube. The nerdy videoblogger who likes Young Adult novel and came equipped with only a iPhone could sing along with someone who just happened to have a guitar as the big YouTube star who needs help getting his/her merchandise start could interact with his/her fans and sell and spread the shirt and other stuff to make an income. It was a place for Nerds and Cool alike, for YouTuber who has been in YouTube since its inception and a person who just found that YouTube isn't just for cat videos and bad comments. That sense of harmony and affection won't be possible without Hank Green. He has not made the YouTube community, but kept it together. Made it stronger. That way, I revere Hank Green as I do Mark Zuckerberg as the triumph of social interaction, except Hank is not a jerk. I always said in my mind that Vlogbrothers was the spiritual center of YouTube, not like religiously, but they set up rule of moral and conduct to YouTube and condemn the fools that lurks around so much in YouTube. People look up to them, but they are humble and treats the follower as a friend. So I will go John Lennon and say 'Hank Green is Jesus of YouTube' (See, I told you I was going to inflate the person like crazy!)