Sunday, January 29, 2012

Left or right?

Short one. All YouTube-r have confusion about what is left and right. That's a problem because there's no way to distinguish left and right fundamentally. Let's say you contacted some aliens who want to learn your language. Okay, fair enough, but as you go down the dictionary, you realize you can't explain many things by your phone alone. Including what is left and right. You remember the hard times in which when you're sending directions to your lost cousin and slowly turning into mad pout of ink of squid that is angry because you say left and they went right and you said my right and not your right and you realize left and right is meaningless without a reference frame. In fact most things in physics and mathematics depend on reference frames. That's why Einstein got his relativity and Gauss got his theorems. You realize that without reference frames, that is with a extra-terrestrial planet, you can't explain many thing that you take for granted. Perspectives change everything, not just socially but physically as well.

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