Saturday, February 11, 2012

Paula Deen and No Edge

First off, quick fact. This picture of Paula Deen riding John Green is not the first time. When John Green's book Paper Towns peaked in NYT bestseller list at #3, Paula Deen's cookbook was one of the two books that were top of John Green's book. So there.

Now on to the main topic: NO EDGE. To talk about the edge of the universe, you have to talk about the shape of the universe. Now best way to illustrate this is through an analogy with a rubber sheet. At one time, our rubber sheet was a clumped ball, consisted of everything that was there. Mass, time, space... everthing was there in that tiny dot. But then that dot slowly grew until a great force within spread the universe like a big kablooey. Thus came the two terms of this event, the big bang and the horrendous space kablooey. Now that great force had a effect like a sharp tug, as you know flattens the things you tugged. So the light shone in empty space will not come back to you but come out in a straight line, unless there's stuff, where gravity curves the space-time. Since the curve is unnatural, curves want to meet together so to become a overall flatter shape.

Now I may lost you in explaining how gravity works, but here comes the deal. The battle between the 'tug' or expansion and gravity is what determines the shape, gravity wants to curve so much as to disappear, you have a big crunch where we start to collapse back on itself and space-time goes haywire. Maybe 'tug' or let's call them what they really is, dark energy, tugs too much and starts to rip as the fabric can't take it anymore and we experience what is like a 10th Doctor's regeneration only with everything and we don't end up becoming a swanky British man with a bow-tie and sometime a fez. That's called a Big Rip. Maybe gravity will win slightly win curve to a sphere-like shape where time and space might repeat itself forever,like a big bounce, or maybe dark energy will win slightly and will spread forever resulting in heat death or a big freeze. Big bounce is actually a term when there's fluctuation between gravity and dark energy and we go back from big bang to big crunch repeatedly in a different fashion. (so this is like a Doctor's regeneration) Now in a big crunch or a big bounce or maybe a big freeze, a universe curve back to itself, therefore effectively having a no edge like a surface of a sphere, where you could go in any direction and come back to point you just started. But if it's otherwise and universe is really a flat surface or a hyperbolic saddle shaped there might be an edge if the universe we see is finite and it is so... (live. I mean universe which we live, not see. There's a difference in that.) Anyway, in conclusion, we don't know if there's an edge of the universe or not. Sorry.

[Actually universe might even ALL EDGE. As in we're just a holographic projection of a 2-d world.]

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