Monday, July 30, 2018

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - July 30, 2008

Crowd intro, and the intro have the every right of cutting off. Ooh, poofy! 8/8/08!!!! VERY IMPORTANT! Beckoning of Lovely. The Bean? Washington Monument is weak. Audiobooks! All that warehouses. SORT OF! That's a good excerpt. Oh, Blanche! What's with all the kids?

Friday, July 27, 2018

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - July 27, 2008

Oooh, I had automatic adjustment! Experiment glasses! Mostly hunks of plastic. Pope approves. Mark-up! Type that serial number! Does Hank without glasses look... less than five. DECISIONS!

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - July 22, 2008

The Catcher in The Rye, what some really doesn't like and some replies by saying they actually like it, because that was that. John dispels people's boring power. Also... oh... why do I don't get it, but I still do it, and then other people does not get it? You are embarrassing yourself. IT'S CRASH COURSE! Well, it's the most early version... critical analysis! It's like LisaNova or Smosh!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - July 18, 2008

Tis the anniversary! Of course, more prediction here. I really like almost all Hank Green Harry Potter song and this is not an exception. The guitar line is so jumpy and fun. And that shouting!

Friday, July 13, 2018

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - July 13, 2008

Obedience school feels silly. Thank you Sarah... Willy is wise. Here's an elusive turn of heads... doing the head turn thing sounds... amazing, actually. That's how shrieking sound works? Interesting.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - July 10, 2008

People really like this song and people still like this song, but it's not as popular as other songs. Abolish currency? The song doesn't really flow like his other song, unfortunately. There're 4 lights.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - July 8, 2008

7th? I thought it's the Eighth! MOVIE MAGIC! Pretty good idea... in the end. Hospital Chaplin, very important... Steak & Shake... not so important. John is so good at being a selling machine, though. Mom gives an great anecdote! Wait, Hank had a hammer recently... and he did kill a router with it. Hank still might be... well, I guess that's why he's putting that manic energy out into a book form.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - July 4, 2008

I love nerds at sports thing. GOT A STUFF ON HIS HEAD... sorry. 11-2 at top of The Fourth? Exceptional Fourth of July here. I don't know anymore... Fireworks are always pretty, though.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - July 2, 2008

This is an update vlog. This is most of I seen of John being... youthful? There's so much energy!

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - July 1, 2008

Young and promising librarian... Grey Speckled Walls are back! I love the stories about librarians.