Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - March 27, 2008

So many peep stuff for Easter! November... of 2009! EATING CONTEST??? John, I don't think this is... this is bad as the Despacito idea. Oh! One of the very few montage exception videos! Also, I think it's the return of Distemper! Always look at Russian ska! God, so many people in the montage have a children or something... there's something so weird about photos in 2008, like in the pre-iPhone era. I guess it's the just clothing. John is just bad at finishing. That's very much true.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - March 21, 2008

Rocky Horror? Used to be so good... Twitter is confusing??? I guess so... Oh, PDA... suggested to tweet poops? ECOGEEK! Or just use LastPass! This is the ecogeek account, which got deleted, basically... hankgreen was from 2009 on... This is a bit of foresight? Kind of? He has a podcast that is all about him being on twitter, so I guess he stick to that commitment, or is it the opposite?

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - March 15, 2008

I know John say March 14th, but it's stamped in March 15th. Mobile, Alabama... have lots of parades. Great beads to a great container boxes. The storm? All those abandoned buildings... Rainbows of the future... BLURB! Drumrolls are copyrighted? Are you Dumbledore? I should have done a blurb, since I actually read the book. Musecast has some shady characters, and... well, you know the other.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - March 7, 2008

CONTENTS OF THE TRITUBE! Finding blurbfest! Posting all those topics. Really good short book. Many many... 20,000 subscribers!!! Now there's more than 3 million! That would been cool.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Vlogbrother's 10 Year Rewind - March 4, 2008

Now there's five books and the latest is the best. Is a year soon? Really tragedies... Rushmore reference. Still totally weird. Mustache would be useful... Hank Green, the original bronies. The binding nature? He's a Kantist? Biss was gotten... much older... TWO AND HALF WEEK? Hollis? Were there Hollis, technology was not developed yet. Margo Roth Speigelman, I also agree. Nepal... Yes, Yes, Poverty, Yes... that good 240p. That was done like in nine years. That was a long time.