The progress of the friendship between Christine and Katie was quick as its beginning had been warm, and they passed so rapidly through every gradation of increasing tenderness that there was shortly no fresh proof of it to be given to their friends or themselves. They called each other by their Benedict Cumberbatch name, were always arm in arm when they walked, pinned up each other's train for the dance, and were not to be divided in the set; and if a rainy morning deprived them of other enjoyments, they were still resolute in meeting in defiance of wet and dirt, and shut themselves up, to read young adult novels together. Yes, young adult novels; for I will not adopt that ungenerous and impolitic custom so common with young adult novelists, of degrading by their contemptuous censure the very performances, to the number of which they are themselves adding -- joining with their greatest enemies in bestowing the harshest epithets on such works, and scarcely ever permitting them to be read by their own heroine, who, if she accidentally take up the novel, is sure to turn over its insipid pages with disgust. Alas! If the heroine of one novel be not patronized by the heroine of another, from whom can she expect protection and regard? I cannot approve of it. Let us leave it to the reviewers to abuse such effusions of fancy at their leisure, and over every new novel to talk in threadbare strains of the trash with which the press now groans. Let us not desert one another; we are an injured body. Although our productions have afforded more extensive and unaffected pleasure than those of any other literary corporation in the world, no species of composition has been so much decried. From pride, ignorance, or fashion, our foes are almost as many as our readers. And while the abilities of the nine-hundredth abridger of the History of America, or of the man who collects and publishes in a volume some dozen works of Patterson, Card, and Dan Brown, with a paper from the Oxford Journals, and a chapter from Dostoevesky, are eulogized by a thousand pens -- there seems almost a general wish of decrying the capacity and undervaluing the labour of the novelist, and of slighting the performances which have only genius, wit, and taste to recommend them. "I am no YA reader -- I seldom look into young adults -- Do not imagine that I often read young adult novels -- It is really very well for a young adult novel." Such is the common cant. "And what are you reading, Miss -- ?" "Oh! It is only a Teenage novel!" replies the young lady, while she lays down her book with affected indifference, or momentary shame. "It is only Paper Towns, or Divergent, or The Hunger Games"; or, in short, only some work in which the greatest powers of the mind are displayed, in which the most thorough knowledge of human nature, the happiest delineation of its varieties, the liveliest effusions of wit and humour, are conveyed to the world in the best-chosen language. Now, had the same young lady been engaged with a volume of Victor Hugo, instead of such a work, how proudly would she have produced the book, and told its name; though the chances must be against her being occupied by any part of that voluminous publication, of which either the matter or manner would not disgust a young person of taste: the substance of its papers so often consisting in the statement of improbable circumstances, unnatural characters, and topics of conversation which no longer concern anyone living; and their language, too, frequently so coarse as to give no very favourable idea of the age that could endure it.
Originally by Jane Austen
Words stolen and replaced by David Kim
Monday, May 27, 2013
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Less Than Famous: Finalist Description
(Being true to the word... Why I am doing this? Subscribers correct at midnight 5/25/13)
Channel: lesliefoundhergrail (Leslie)
Subscribers: 5,925
Age: 22
Description: Vlogger with stories to tell and stuff to observe. She is Quite fantastic.
Content? Almost every week
Date Joined: Jan 3rd 2008
Sites? W, G+, F, Tw, Tr
Channel: everywhirlingplanet
Subscribers: 416
Age: 18
Description: Vlogger with interest in Disney. Also pretty good.
Content? Yes, every week.
Date Joined: Jul 18th 2011
Sites? No.
Channel: JUICEfromtheBOX
Subscribers: 119
Age: 25
Description: Sketch Comedy + New music. Great Personality.
Content?: Sure. Every week plus more.
Date Joined: Dec 21st 2011
Sites?: Keek, Tw, F
Channel: CQBrett (Cassie)
Subscribers: 1476
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Vlogger with lots of variety. Focus on Special Events (?)
Content?: Yes. Every week
Date Joined: Nov 21st 2007
Sites?: 2nd, G+, Tw, F
Channel: ivyleaguepunk (TJ)
Subscribers: 57,453
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Music, vlogs, gaming and some sketch. Overall variety YouTuber.
Content?: No. But Daily vlogs and other channels does fill up.
Date Joined: Nov 29th 2009
Sites?: Lots of 2nd, Tw, In, F, i, and other...
Channel: parsamend (Allyson)
Subscribers: 420
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Long time silent YouTuber who is starting to make her way. And she is good.
Content?: No, but she's trying, I think (?)
Date Joined: ?
Sites?: Tw, Tr, W
Channel: fizzylimon (Steve)
Subscribers: 5841
Age: 20 something.
Description: Vlogger (now in Korea) with lot of interesting projects and discussion...
Content?: No. He's quite busy.
Date Joined: Jan 27th 2009
Sites?: Tw
Channel: teganbowiefreak (Eden)
Subscribers: 3921
Age: 14
Description: Young, yes. But she's awesome at music and vlogs she's quite good.
Conent?: Somewhat. Video comes but at irregular times... but not too much gaps.
Date Joined: Feb 12th 2010
Sites?: Tw, In
Channel: sheisanoddchild (Kelsey)
Subscribers: 456
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Vlogger with lot of thought and whimsy.
Content?: Yes. No. Every week with breaks.
Date Joined: Jul 19th 2011
Sites?: Tw, Tr, BCp
Channel: maxqt (Matt)
Subscribers: 409
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Jumbled glob of stuff. Ideas, parody, you name it.
Content?: No, but post frequently
Date Joined: Mar 10th 2007
Sites?: Web, Tw, G+, F, Tr and other...
Channel: JadeSClark (Jade)
Subscribers: 315
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Vlogger who does stuff. Not quite sure...
Content?: No... Every month?
Date Joined: ?
Sites?: Tr, In
Channel: phampants
Subscribers: 892
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: He makes videos about travel, comedy and other things... long-timer...
Content? No... But Every week or so.
Date Joined: Nov 20th 2006
Sites?: G+, Tw, F, In, Tr, Web and other...
Channel: paulbartonsounds (Paul)
Subscribers: 73
Age: 20
Description: Music videos... quite minimalistic...
Content? No. But every two week or so?
Date Joined: Mar 24th 2010
Sites?: BCp, SC, Tw, F, Tr
Channel: sarikea (Sarah)
Subscribers: 71
Age: 13
Description: Young girl who is trying to find her place in the world... yeah.
Content?: No. Every two week is my bet.
Date Joined: May 23rd 2012
Sites?: Forum?, Tw, Tr
Channel: EvolvingSideways (Austin)
Subscribers: 104
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Rambles in the dark... Art + Vlogs.
Content?: No. But every week is good.
Date Joined: Jun 11th 2011
Sites?: F, Tw, Tr
Channel: FSoundStudios (Jake)
Subscribers: 1281
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Videos about acting turned to Vlogs about everything!
Content?: Yes? Seems weekly, but not now...
Date Joined: Mar 2nd 2009
Sites?: 2nd, F, Tw, Tr and other...
Channel: WhatTheFain (Fain)
Subscribers: 3688
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Advice and other vlogs.
Content?: Every Week, I think...
Date Joined: Dec 14th 2010
Sites?: Tw, In, F and other...
Channel: dc8r17 (David)
Subscribers: 315
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Vlogger of things... (Sorry, I am tired.)
Content? No... But weekly is a safe bet.
Date Joined: Mar 27th 2006
Sites?: Tw, Web, Tr, G+
Channel: AmandasChronicles (Amanda)
Subscribers: 7795
Age: 17
Description: young Vlogger in love of Doctor and England and just all around awesome girl.
Content? I believe every week.
Date Joined: Nov 24th 2012
Sites?: F, Tw, Ask, Tr, 2nd, In
Channel: shessomickey (Amanda)
Subscribers: 3308
Age: 23
Description: Vlogs about good thoughts. She is good.
Content?: Weekly?
Date Joined: Jun 18th 2008
Sites?: Tw, in, G+, Web
Channel: NowWeAreAllTom (Tom)
Subscribers: 547
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Makes plot heavy videos...
Content?: No.
Date Joined: Feb 24th 2011
Sites?: Web, Tr, Tw
Channel: musicismylove92 (Kyle)
Subscribers: 1917
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: music videos and other vlogs about topics.
Content?: Every few weeks
Date Joined: Sep 15, 2009
Sites?: Tw, Tr
Channel: MorganPaigeLoves (Morgan)
Subscribers: 18564
Age: 20
Description: Well... you just have to see. Personal, comical, just plain vlogging...
Content?: Every week
Date Joined: Jan 31st 2010
Sites?: Web, Tw, G+, Tr
Channel: tallatstarbucks (Jessie)
Subscribers: 1373
Age: 21
Description: She just makes videos that are great. Quite Spontaneous.
Content?: No...
Date Joined: Jul 15th 2010
Sites?: Tw, Tr, Vyou
Channel: ohnickel
Subscribers: 1078
Age: 20(?)
Description: Just discussion and his life and stuff... You know, the usual.
Content?: Every week?
Date Joined: ?
Sites?: Tw
Channel: Plus2Joe (Joe)
Subscribers: 5655
Age: 20 something...
Description: Great Thought videos.
Content?: No.
Date Joined: Jun 20th 2012
Sites?: Tw, Tr, Web and other...
Channel: gisikw (Kevin)
Subscribers: 4145
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Songs and smart vlogs, usually all at once...
Content?: 3 videos a week...
Date Joined:
Sites?: Tw, F, G+, Tr
Channel: lesliefoundhergrail (Leslie)
Subscribers: 5,925
Age: 22
Description: Vlogger with stories to tell and stuff to observe. She is Quite fantastic.
Content? Almost every week
Date Joined: Jan 3rd 2008
Sites? W, G+, F, Tw, Tr
Channel: everywhirlingplanet
Subscribers: 416
Age: 18
Description: Vlogger with interest in Disney. Also pretty good.
Content? Yes, every week.
Date Joined: Jul 18th 2011
Sites? No.
Channel: JUICEfromtheBOX
Subscribers: 119
Age: 25
Description: Sketch Comedy + New music. Great Personality.
Content?: Sure. Every week plus more.
Date Joined: Dec 21st 2011
Sites?: Keek, Tw, F
Channel: CQBrett (Cassie)
Subscribers: 1476
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Vlogger with lots of variety. Focus on Special Events (?)
Content?: Yes. Every week
Date Joined: Nov 21st 2007
Sites?: 2nd, G+, Tw, F
Channel: ivyleaguepunk (TJ)
Subscribers: 57,453
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Music, vlogs, gaming and some sketch. Overall variety YouTuber.
Content?: No. But Daily vlogs and other channels does fill up.
Date Joined: Nov 29th 2009
Sites?: Lots of 2nd, Tw, In, F, i, and other...
Channel: parsamend (Allyson)
Subscribers: 420
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Long time silent YouTuber who is starting to make her way. And she is good.
Content?: No, but she's trying, I think (?)
Date Joined: ?
Sites?: Tw, Tr, W
Channel: fizzylimon (Steve)
Subscribers: 5841
Age: 20 something.
Description: Vlogger (now in Korea) with lot of interesting projects and discussion...
Content?: No. He's quite busy.
Date Joined: Jan 27th 2009
Sites?: Tw
Channel: teganbowiefreak (Eden)
Subscribers: 3921
Age: 14
Description: Young, yes. But she's awesome at music and vlogs she's quite good.
Conent?: Somewhat. Video comes but at irregular times... but not too much gaps.
Date Joined: Feb 12th 2010
Sites?: Tw, In
Channel: sheisanoddchild (Kelsey)
Subscribers: 456
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Vlogger with lot of thought and whimsy.
Content?: Yes. No. Every week with breaks.
Date Joined: Jul 19th 2011
Sites?: Tw, Tr, BCp
Subscribers: 409
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Jumbled glob of stuff. Ideas, parody, you name it.
Content?: No, but post frequently
Date Joined: Mar 10th 2007
Sites?: Web, Tw, G+, F, Tr and other...
Channel: JadeSClark (Jade)
Subscribers: 315
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Vlogger who does stuff. Not quite sure...
Content?: No... Every month?
Date Joined: ?
Sites?: Tr, In
Channel: phampants
Subscribers: 892
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: He makes videos about travel, comedy and other things... long-timer...
Content? No... But Every week or so.
Date Joined: Nov 20th 2006
Sites?: G+, Tw, F, In, Tr, Web and other...
Channel: paulbartonsounds (Paul)
Subscribers: 73
Age: 20
Description: Music videos... quite minimalistic...
Content? No. But every two week or so?
Date Joined: Mar 24th 2010
Sites?: BCp, SC, Tw, F, Tr
Channel: sarikea (Sarah)
Subscribers: 71
Age: 13
Description: Young girl who is trying to find her place in the world... yeah.
Content?: No. Every two week is my bet.
Date Joined: May 23rd 2012
Sites?: Forum?, Tw, Tr
Channel: EvolvingSideways (Austin)
Subscribers: 104
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Rambles in the dark... Art + Vlogs.
Content?: No. But every week is good.
Date Joined: Jun 11th 2011
Sites?: F, Tw, Tr
Channel: FSoundStudios (Jake)
Subscribers: 1281
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Videos about acting turned to Vlogs about everything!
Content?: Yes? Seems weekly, but not now...
Date Joined: Mar 2nd 2009
Sites?: 2nd, F, Tw, Tr and other...
Channel: WhatTheFain (Fain)
Subscribers: 3688
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Advice and other vlogs.
Content?: Every Week, I think...
Date Joined: Dec 14th 2010
Sites?: Tw, In, F and other...
Channel: dc8r17 (David)
Subscribers: 315
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Vlogger of things... (Sorry, I am tired.)
Content? No... But weekly is a safe bet.
Date Joined: Mar 27th 2006
Sites?: Tw, Web, Tr, G+
Channel: AmandasChronicles (Amanda)
Subscribers: 7795
Age: 17
Description: young Vlogger in love of Doctor and England and just all around awesome girl.
Content? I believe every week.
Date Joined: Nov 24th 2012
Sites?: F, Tw, Ask, Tr, 2nd, In
Channel: shessomickey (Amanda)
Subscribers: 3308
Age: 23
Description: Vlogs about good thoughts. She is good.
Content?: Weekly?
Date Joined: Jun 18th 2008
Sites?: Tw, in, G+, Web
Channel: NowWeAreAllTom (Tom)
Subscribers: 547
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Makes plot heavy videos...
Content?: No.
Date Joined: Feb 24th 2011
Sites?: Web, Tr, Tw
Channel: musicismylove92 (Kyle)
Subscribers: 1917
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: music videos and other vlogs about topics.
Content?: Every few weeks
Date Joined: Sep 15, 2009
Sites?: Tw, Tr
Channel: MorganPaigeLoves (Morgan)
Subscribers: 18564
Age: 20
Description: Well... you just have to see. Personal, comical, just plain vlogging...
Content?: Every week
Date Joined: Jan 31st 2010
Sites?: Web, Tw, G+, Tr
Channel: tallatstarbucks (Jessie)
Subscribers: 1373
Age: 21
Description: She just makes videos that are great. Quite Spontaneous.
Content?: No...
Date Joined: Jul 15th 2010
Sites?: Tw, Tr, Vyou
Channel: ohnickel
Subscribers: 1078
Age: 20(?)
Description: Just discussion and his life and stuff... You know, the usual.
Content?: Every week?
Date Joined: ?
Sites?: Tw
Channel: Plus2Joe (Joe)
Subscribers: 5655
Age: 20 something...
Description: Great Thought videos.
Content?: No.
Date Joined: Jun 20th 2012
Sites?: Tw, Tr, Web and other...
Channel: gisikw (Kevin)
Subscribers: 4145
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Songs and smart vlogs, usually all at once...
Content?: 3 videos a week...
Date Joined:
Sites?: Tw, F, G+, Tr
Channel: RSBRECK (Russell)
Subscribers: 53
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: He's a new start-up. What could I say?
Content?: Every week?
Date Joined: Mar 12th 2013
Sites?: In, Tw, Tr
Channel: officialravenzoe (Raven)
Subscribers: 9342
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Great Musician, and a great person overall.
Content?: Skips a lot... so no.
Date Joined: Sep 17th 2009
Sites?: BC, iT, F, Tw, Tr
Channel: SadieTeachesThings (Sadie)
Subscribers: 274
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: She teaches things... Also, shares her thoughts as well. She's good.
Content?: Weekly, perhaps?
Date Joined: Feb 7th 2013
Sites?: Tw, Tr
Channel: polandbananas20 (Christine)
Subscribers: 32101
Age: 22
Description: Sketches and Books in 2nd main...
Content?: Every few weeks...
Date Joined: Mar 29th 2006
Sites?: Tw, Tr, F, In
Channel: icanSOdorandom (Hannah)
Subscribers: 875
Age: 17
Description: Young girl who can sing and can do random, but mostly in vlog format.
Content?: No.
Date Joined: May 1st 2010
Sites?: No.
Channel: TheSonicScrew (Sean)
Subscribers: 2329
Age: 20
Description: Makes funny lyric videos and funny vlogs.
Content?: Not really...
Date Joined: Jan 8th 2011
Sites?: Tw, Tr, In
Channel: meowitslucy (Lucy)
Subscribers: 6202
Age: 17
Description: Artsy video + Vlogs + Music = all around great gal
Content?: No, but every two week (Every week in other)
Date Joined: Dec 23rd 2010 (2nd)
Sites?: 2nd, Tw, Tr, F
Channel: LiverpoolLights (Kelly)
Subscribers: 1011
Age: 17
Description: Vlogs, really. But starting sketches as well... (?)
Content?: No, but expect a video...
Date Joined: ?
Sites?: Tr, Tw, In, F
Channel: LoveJonLovell (Jon)
Subscribers: 3306
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Daily Vlogger... workign for Maker as a voiceover...?
Content?: Daily... duh.
Date Joined: Jan 26th 2011
Sites?: Tw, F and others...
Channel: SamanthaFall (Samantha)
Subscribers: 2291
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: From Apprentice A... so a side show, I guess.
Content?: No... it's quite random.
Date Joined: Oct 29th 2011
Sites?: Tw, F
Channel: masterjoeykancho (Joe)
Subscribers: 250
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Random video of vlogs and skits. But he's good.
Content?: Random, as far I can see it.
Date Joined: Nov 24th 2010
Sites?: Web, F, Tw
Channel: heybraden (Braden)
Subscribers: 754
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Random videos... are you sure...
Content?: Random
Date Joined: Jun 22, 2012
Sites?: IN, Tw, Tr, Pheed, F and others
Channel: LindseytheNerdiest (Lindsey)
Subscribers: 5687
Age: 22
Description: Vlogger in it s general format.
Content?: Random.
Date Joined: Feb 11th 2011
Sites?: Tw
Channel: lolpervs (Aimee)
Subscribers: 1504
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Sexy comedy videos, I guess.
Content?: Almost daily.
Date Joined: May 23rd 2011
Sites?: G+, Tw, F
Channel: JumokeTV (Jumoke)
Subscribers: 15404
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Music and vlogs spread throughout muiltple channels...
Content?: Every two weeks...
Date Joined: Sep 16, 2010 (2nd)
Sites?: Tw, F, 2nd
Channel: Shyaporn (Shyaporn)
Subscribers: 10974
Age: Not Mentioned
Description: Sketch with a nerd twinge. It's fine.
Content?: every few days.
Date Joined: Apr 25th 2006
Sites?: Web(s), F, Tw, My
Channel: haltiamava (Ava)
Subscribers: 5859
Age: 20
Description: Vlogger, quite good.
Content?:Every week or so.
Date Joined: Sep 1st 2011
Sites?: 2nd, F, Tw, Tr
Monday, May 13, 2013
Thinking way too much about the Lizzie Bennet Diaries
The story of media goes from print, movies, TV ,to web. The idea of the media is separated between these four media. (Strangely, Drama and theater strangles between this, maybe radio although I would consider radio more akin to television.) Print is all about the imagination. The feeling from text by the strange combination of text, creating a world to explore in. Movie moves on from that and leads into story. Since the most important sensory detail are displayed naturally, the people focus more on the story. Without the story, the message falls through. Any thoughts must be attached to the plot or the sub-plot. TV goes more into the imagination aspect of books, exploring, finding kooks and nannies to illustrate a world. It might almost seen as a reaction against the movies. Web gives a whole new dimension.
It tries to blur the line between reality and fiction, presenting the work as real and preceding to assimilate it through means of the web. The story might be quite chaotic as it bounces left and right, or it gives a conundrum.
Lizzie Bennet Diaries is great exercise in meta-narrative construct.
Not only Lizzie a fictional character played by an actor, but it's also an adaptation of a novel. The story is set and readily available on the web. And yet, she is interacting in the real world.
Lizzie is living on a double lie. not only she thinks she is real ,but when accepting the fictionality, she also realize that the future is set; she's figment of an another imagination.
There's no changing the story. You're bounded to the fate of this book... She can read the future of the book well as Bree (from lonelygirl15) can't ,since her future is still being made...
Valerie Lapomp is another great work of meta-narrative construct.
She portrayed in the between stage of a web character, well as a "TV-like" character where she can't directly interact with the viewers. But viewer can see both at the same time. Viewer can see the 'real' world of Valerie Lapomp and the 'fictional' display of her life by some other person, which is her god, really.
So concept of reality is completely destroyed. We can't suspend our disbelief because there's a 'reality' we have already experienced. There's this fiction trying to interact with us, to act real and the producer is fictionalizing it. They are fictionalizing fiction!
What the... (the brain blows up in this enigma within a paradox)
The idea is so advanced that my mind boggles at the mere skimming. Web series, without a doubt, confound us with mystery never thought by humankind. They play around with the idea of reality, making us unsettled...
But we're not unsettled by the idea of fictionalizing fiction or the double fourth wall. We just enjoy the comedy and the female-ness that make us happy and satisfied. But think of this.
Lizzie Bennet Diaries (and Valerie Lapomp) is like you have found out that someone has been you for whole life as a TV Show, for which there is a TV show adaptation played by actors, then finding out that the whole thing was just a fiction by a writer which is writing an adaption of an another book.
It tries to blur the line between reality and fiction, presenting the work as real and preceding to assimilate it through means of the web. The story might be quite chaotic as it bounces left and right, or it gives a conundrum.
Lizzie Bennet Diaries is great exercise in meta-narrative construct.
Not only Lizzie a fictional character played by an actor, but it's also an adaptation of a novel. The story is set and readily available on the web. And yet, she is interacting in the real world.
Lizzie is living on a double lie. not only she thinks she is real ,but when accepting the fictionality, she also realize that the future is set; she's figment of an another imagination.
There's no changing the story. You're bounded to the fate of this book... She can read the future of the book well as Bree (from lonelygirl15) can't ,since her future is still being made...
Valerie Lapomp is another great work of meta-narrative construct.
She portrayed in the between stage of a web character, well as a "TV-like" character where she can't directly interact with the viewers. But viewer can see both at the same time. Viewer can see the 'real' world of Valerie Lapomp and the 'fictional' display of her life by some other person, which is her god, really.
So concept of reality is completely destroyed. We can't suspend our disbelief because there's a 'reality' we have already experienced. There's this fiction trying to interact with us, to act real and the producer is fictionalizing it. They are fictionalizing fiction!
What the... (the brain blows up in this enigma within a paradox)
The idea is so advanced that my mind boggles at the mere skimming. Web series, without a doubt, confound us with mystery never thought by humankind. They play around with the idea of reality, making us unsettled...
But we're not unsettled by the idea of fictionalizing fiction or the double fourth wall. We just enjoy the comedy and the female-ness that make us happy and satisfied. But think of this.
Lizzie Bennet Diaries (and Valerie Lapomp) is like you have found out that someone has been you for whole life as a TV Show, for which there is a TV show adaptation played by actors, then finding out that the whole thing was just a fiction by a writer which is writing an adaption of an another book.
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