Taken from EnglishableOscar. (Actually that is number 1...)
1. You take idea from a YouTuber and make it your own.
2. You swear you seen the idea on YouTube ,but can't quite point out where.
3. You think tag videos are way overrated.
4. Your feelings about people in Maker Studios is not recommendable.
5. You have channel with less than 1000 subscribers that you don't met him/her IRL.
6. You start to feel sense of duty to find new YouTubers and promote them.
7. You don't have YouTuber with more one million subscriber, either for hate or the schedule.
8. You start to feel like honorary British, just because all the exposure of British Stuff on YouTube
9. You can imitate 50 YouTuber intro and outro by heart.
10. Your primary news source is YouTube.
11. You hate memes, mostly because most people find it months before you do.
12. You watched all the episode of Becoming YouTube.
13. You watched all the episode of Lizzie Bennet Diaries.
14. You watched all the episode of MyMusic.
15. Basically you have watched and subscribed to all the YouTuber 'YouTube sponsored' channels.
16. You have every episode of Crash Course.
17. You have watched every episode of the Brain Scoop and never felt sick once while watching it,
18. You have watched all the videos of 5 or more YouTubers with more than 500 videos on public.
19. You are subscribed to completed projects because of the sentimentality.
20. Your feeling about RayWilliamJohnson is 1/2 Angry, 1/2 disappointment.
21. You wonder why Fred has three studio movies and TomSka and Bing have none.
22. You wonder why Justin Bieber has hit it big and not (insert YouTuber here.)
23. You have YouTuber in your dreams.
24. You write about YouTubers.
25. You write slash fic about YouTubers.
26. You have a YouTube OTP
27. You have multiple YouTube Ships.
28. Most of ships concern Jack Howard.
29. Your homepage is YouTube Subscription page.
30. You watched every 'Your Grammar Sucks'
31. You watched every 'Ask Kassem' and feel disgusted by it.
32. You watched every episode of 'Red vs. Blue'
33. You have watched all the episode of least 3 Machinima series.
34. You have watched least 15 web series.
35. You subscribed to someone before 1000 subscribers and now has over 100,000 subscribers.
36. You have subscribed to people from least three continents.
37. You have subscribed to people from over 5 countries.
38. You went to a YouTube gathering.
39. You went to least one YouTube gathering every year since you started watching YouTube.
40. You went to either Playlist Live or Vidcon.
41. You watched a YouTube band during tour.
42. You tell everyone when something remotely big happens to a YouTuber.
43. You fantasize being in a relationship with one of the YouTubers.
44. You realize how insecure these people are and wonder 'How?'
45. You think Nerdfighters will rule the world.
46. You think Nerdfighters will become a voting block in the 2016 US and 2015 UK General Election.
47. You have found least three TV show or social media because of YouTube.
48. You wish you have found YouTube sooner.
49. You have watched videos when you should have slept.
50. You make this list for yourself to share to your friend. Also you hate 'Like, Favorite, Subscribe' mantra.
The scoring is same as the original. Good luck!