I remember high school literature teacher mentioning the words of "I'm worried that we have a generation that doesn't believe in meaning in the universe."
So, how the heck is that relates to the article above?
It's all about the challenge the assumption of aspiration.
As long as media was invented, and became intertwined with business via ads and pitches, media tries to set a place or a time or state which we should look up to. Beautiful girls, beautiful houses, doing socially approved messages.
In the early days before the nihilism became the force of thought, most people didn't care and heed as the advice was given.
But then we started challenging the ideas of aspiration. Setting up hopeless goals that only makes us depressed, causing stupid calls on buying a house or getting that surgery...
I think I'll let Charlie Brooker explain in his most vehement and my personal favorite episode.
I think the internet has had it with aspiration.
Therefore the rise of the third wave feminist and other thinkers of this century (Yes, I mean the 21st.)
The feminism and other rights group we see now are now just talking about women or gays or whatever... it's more that they are trying to dismantle the bubble the society is given to us.
At least, that's what I think. Do you have thoughts? Please write them below. Thanks.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Friday, September 13, 2013
RIP Video Responses...
I've been thinking a lot about end of the video response lately ,and when I searched through the videos of people talking about the topic and I focused on the single comment that was sent in by a person, either quite new to YouTube or old-time returner, someone who has a life and couldn't get to YouTube in 2 or 3 years. And the comment said,
"Why is YouTube going all about promoting content? I thought YouTube was a video sharing site."
Why, yes it is.
It IS a video sharing website. A website to share videos. You know, through the site, sharing the video... you know like vlogbrothers and brotherhood 2.0 which was about communicating in YouTube videos. Through you know... Subscriptions or VIDEO RESPONSES...!
You know... sharing video in the internet. You know, a video sharing website. Website of sharing videos... you know, video which are shared through the internet in a nice convenient way. You know, sharing videos... not using other media to share video to people who want to see them because it's a VIDEO SHARING WEBSITE.
Sorry. Just... Video website. Of sharing. of web videos. Video on the internet. To people who might want to see them. Videos. You know to people. Sharing Videos. YouTube.
So.... Anyway... (moment of recollection) I was watching through the videos of this topic and people pointed out (like Kevin, are you watching this?) that YouTube want us to be a consumer of video and not wanting people to make videos. You know. Creating content...
ANd... if you remember back in the old days when YouTube was a video sharing website.... still is, I'm afraid. Anyway, you might seen a motto of YouTube on the bottom of the logo... you remember it, right?
Come on, say it. Broad...broadcast yourself. Broadcasting to other people. Sharing things. Making it public. And not hidden from algorithm and such....
Yourself... you know what you're feeling, what are you doing.... what do you want to show... to us. The people. Who want to watch videos. Oh yay. Video for you to watch.
MAKING CONTENT! That's what YouTube was for. To create content and sharing to the world. Isn't that simple way to do things?
I remember when back in 2009 when YouTube was rehauling its format to appear more like Hulu and other competitors, and that was such a backlash that YouTube decided not to do it.
I remember the song.
"Oh why, why am I even surprised
Maybe YouTube can be Hulu
And avoid its demise
But if it comes at the cost of the little guys
then I think that I might say my goodbyes
I think that I might say my goodbyes"
(Repeat chorus)
When now... we're just. frog in a pot.
You know the metaphor. When you put a frog in a cool pot of water and you heat it up real high, the frog will sense it's hot and jump out of the pot.
But when the heat is applied ever so slightly, and the temperature rises just a little bit every time. The frog will stay there and just simmer and die.
That is what we are. YouTube had slowly turned this place to the Hulutube we loathe and we don't even recognize it. We're just frog in a pot. Just simmering and dying.
There is some people who want to start making a new website for old YouTube goers like us who like to watch content and share it with other people. You know, create a community and we know the technology is there.We can embed videos quite easily and we can make other features work too and we're just starting to create a concept, I was getting excited, but this thought ran in my mind.
Why didn't we do this earlier? Why didn't we do this in 2010 or 2011 when the pot was lukewarm, not barely boiling!...
I don't have the strength anymore. I feel like I'm just going to perish and die in this incredibly hot water. We don't know if we can make the jump... but if we can, we must try. We must jump.
New website: (Huh? What you think?)
(We thought making YouTube studios and doing nextup was great for our community. But now i realized it was trying to make content in higher quality so the people can't climb any higher. Those new people will be daunted and don't want to climb the building.)
"Why is YouTube going all about promoting content? I thought YouTube was a video sharing site."
Why, yes it is.
It IS a video sharing website. A website to share videos. You know, through the site, sharing the video... you know like vlogbrothers and brotherhood 2.0 which was about communicating in YouTube videos. Through you know... Subscriptions or VIDEO RESPONSES...!
You know... sharing video in the internet. You know, a video sharing website. Website of sharing videos... you know, video which are shared through the internet in a nice convenient way. You know, sharing videos... not using other media to share video to people who want to see them because it's a VIDEO SHARING WEBSITE.
Sorry. Just... Video website. Of sharing. of web videos. Video on the internet. To people who might want to see them. Videos. You know to people. Sharing Videos. YouTube.
So.... Anyway... (moment of recollection) I was watching through the videos of this topic and people pointed out (like Kevin, are you watching this?) that YouTube want us to be a consumer of video and not wanting people to make videos. You know. Creating content...
ANd... if you remember back in the old days when YouTube was a video sharing website.... still is, I'm afraid. Anyway, you might seen a motto of YouTube on the bottom of the logo... you remember it, right?
Come on, say it. Broad...broadcast yourself. Broadcasting to other people. Sharing things. Making it public. And not hidden from algorithm and such....
Yourself... you know what you're feeling, what are you doing.... what do you want to show... to us. The people. Who want to watch videos. Oh yay. Video for you to watch.
MAKING CONTENT! That's what YouTube was for. To create content and sharing to the world. Isn't that simple way to do things?
I remember when back in 2009 when YouTube was rehauling its format to appear more like Hulu and other competitors, and that was such a backlash that YouTube decided not to do it.
I remember the song.
"Oh why, why am I even surprised
Maybe YouTube can be Hulu
And avoid its demise
But if it comes at the cost of the little guys
then I think that I might say my goodbyes
I think that I might say my goodbyes"
(Repeat chorus)
When now... we're just. frog in a pot.
You know the metaphor. When you put a frog in a cool pot of water and you heat it up real high, the frog will sense it's hot and jump out of the pot.
But when the heat is applied ever so slightly, and the temperature rises just a little bit every time. The frog will stay there and just simmer and die.
That is what we are. YouTube had slowly turned this place to the Hulutube we loathe and we don't even recognize it. We're just frog in a pot. Just simmering and dying.
There is some people who want to start making a new website for old YouTube goers like us who like to watch content and share it with other people. You know, create a community and we know the technology is there.We can embed videos quite easily and we can make other features work too and we're just starting to create a concept, I was getting excited, but this thought ran in my mind.
Why didn't we do this earlier? Why didn't we do this in 2010 or 2011 when the pot was lukewarm, not barely boiling!...
I don't have the strength anymore. I feel like I'm just going to perish and die in this incredibly hot water. We don't know if we can make the jump... but if we can, we must try. We must jump.
New website: (Huh? What you think?)
(We thought making YouTube studios and doing nextup was great for our community. But now i realized it was trying to make content in higher quality so the people can't climb any higher. Those new people will be daunted and don't want to climb the building.)
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Princess and the Doctor tag!
I created this tag when I realized that there's eleven incarnation of the Doctor and eleven Disney Princesses. As both are widely drawn and loved in many ways, I think it'll be a perfect time to add the two together.
So, basically which princess best fit the companionship of which doctor?
Let's start with the First Doctor. Now, he's known as a cool old grandpa in the talks about him so I think I'll place a more vulnerable person to the list... um, I'll go with Ariel. I think the brattiness of Ariel will contrast nicely with the sternness of the First Doctor. Could be a interesting combination.
Second Doctor... he's much more of a bumbly type with the trick and mannerism and all that, so let's have a fun loving character to add with him. I think Rapunzel will suffice?
Third Doctor. James Bond phase, and also the soildfier in many tropes of the Doctor. Which princess should go with him? Let's go in Cinderella, she wouldn't mind the whomobile and the Master.
Fourth Doctor... friendly and childlike and also a rambunctious adventurer... let's go with Mulan with this one as he wouldn't mind his companions to be part of the action.
Fifth Doctor, a gentle but a bloody Doctor. Who can survive all the attacks and graciousness and the celery to boot! I think Snow White will fit the bill as the classic bumbling companions of his era.
Sixth Doctor... when the Doctor took a dark turn... who can accompany him at such harsh times? Well, Jasmine is known to keep a sane mind through the antics of Aladdin so why now for him?
Seventh Doctor, the Chessmaster. Who can match his wits and battles? Well, his scottish accent will fit nicely with our scottish redhead. Also, it would be interesting to place Merida in one of his schemes.
Eighth Doctor, the lovey-dovey one. Who can take his big heart and his adventures...? Belle will certainly take his love and give the brain to his bumbling body.
Ninth Doctor, a street-wise and mood swinging one but a good one nevertheless. I am going with Aurora because she's very domestic and will contrast nice with his style. Fantastic!
Tenth Doctor. Manic and bubbly but knows how to take down a villain. Tiana can replace the role of Martha and she'll be least good as Martha in the show...
Eleventh Doctor. What could I say? Well, only Pocahontas is left so he will have deal with that princess. Or more likely she will have to deal with the Doctor. She's a serious one.
Well, I'm not a final arbiter by any means so leave a comment or make something of it and send it my way. I'll be excited to hear your opinions.
So, basically which princess best fit the companionship of which doctor?
Let's start with the First Doctor. Now, he's known as a cool old grandpa in the talks about him so I think I'll place a more vulnerable person to the list... um, I'll go with Ariel. I think the brattiness of Ariel will contrast nicely with the sternness of the First Doctor. Could be a interesting combination.
Second Doctor... he's much more of a bumbly type with the trick and mannerism and all that, so let's have a fun loving character to add with him. I think Rapunzel will suffice?
Third Doctor. James Bond phase, and also the soildfier in many tropes of the Doctor. Which princess should go with him? Let's go in Cinderella, she wouldn't mind the whomobile and the Master.
Fourth Doctor... friendly and childlike and also a rambunctious adventurer... let's go with Mulan with this one as he wouldn't mind his companions to be part of the action.
Fifth Doctor, a gentle but a bloody Doctor. Who can survive all the attacks and graciousness and the celery to boot! I think Snow White will fit the bill as the classic bumbling companions of his era.
Sixth Doctor... when the Doctor took a dark turn... who can accompany him at such harsh times? Well, Jasmine is known to keep a sane mind through the antics of Aladdin so why now for him?
Seventh Doctor, the Chessmaster. Who can match his wits and battles? Well, his scottish accent will fit nicely with our scottish redhead. Also, it would be interesting to place Merida in one of his schemes.
Eighth Doctor, the lovey-dovey one. Who can take his big heart and his adventures...? Belle will certainly take his love and give the brain to his bumbling body.
Ninth Doctor, a street-wise and mood swinging one but a good one nevertheless. I am going with Aurora because she's very domestic and will contrast nice with his style. Fantastic!
Tenth Doctor. Manic and bubbly but knows how to take down a villain. Tiana can replace the role of Martha and she'll be least good as Martha in the show...
Eleventh Doctor. What could I say? Well, only Pocahontas is left so he will have deal with that princess. Or more likely she will have to deal with the Doctor. She's a serious one.
Well, I'm not a final arbiter by any means so leave a comment or make something of it and send it my way. I'll be excited to hear your opinions.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Conspiracy time.
Bing's new video gave a new clue to the conspiracy of time traveler among us.
For years, people have been questioning about how Bing dislikes Doctor Who ,but seems to have fascination with time, like the PBFB project.
With this video, I can safely say... Bing is a time traveler.
Of course, how could it not be! Of course, Bing doesn't like Doctor Who because it gives a false impression on time travel. Bing knows that time travels are not about swashbuckling adventures... it's more manipulative and cunning.
Bing has traveled all this years trolling our daily lives. Number 42? That was him. All the conspiracy? That's was him tricking the people to believe something otherwise.
Bing working for Google... all covert mind-control. I could feel it in the air as Bing posits an idea of Bing to a Microsoft worker.
I thought I had all the clues. But the truth is more than that. Kim is a time traveler, too.
Behind the mugs and the sarcasm, don't you realize she can do everything?
She can climb, she can sing and do fancy movements. She also has a deep wisdom not commonly possessed by an 18-year old.
She doesn't even age either. Have you Kim looking different than way she looks now?
It's because she's immortal. And probably a time traveler. She has literally done everything and got bored and decide to live a life as a college student in Cardiff. Because she knew Doctor Who films in Cardiff and answer is closer than you think.
Obviously, Bing and Kim were buddies and went around trolling the universe. And there's Lindsey, who is actually Kim in a alternate universe, in which paradox brought her and stripped her of Kim's awesome power and spend her life constantly trolling her... tilll the end of eternity.
Everything has been coming true. And don't get me started on EBO stuff. Man, you'll be freaked out when you see that theory.
(By the way, Emily Graslie is not a Time Lady. She's a companion as best; she looks and acts like a companion. She doesn't have that mystic quality that time lords, like Bing and Kim, have. She's wholesome and playful, two great characteristics of a companion.)
For years, people have been questioning about how Bing dislikes Doctor Who ,but seems to have fascination with time, like the PBFB project.
With this video, I can safely say... Bing is a time traveler.
Of course, how could it not be! Of course, Bing doesn't like Doctor Who because it gives a false impression on time travel. Bing knows that time travels are not about swashbuckling adventures... it's more manipulative and cunning.
Bing has traveled all this years trolling our daily lives. Number 42? That was him. All the conspiracy? That's was him tricking the people to believe something otherwise.
Bing working for Google... all covert mind-control. I could feel it in the air as Bing posits an idea of Bing to a Microsoft worker.
I thought I had all the clues. But the truth is more than that. Kim is a time traveler, too.
Behind the mugs and the sarcasm, don't you realize she can do everything?
She can climb, she can sing and do fancy movements. She also has a deep wisdom not commonly possessed by an 18-year old.
She doesn't even age either. Have you Kim looking different than way she looks now?
It's because she's immortal. And probably a time traveler. She has literally done everything and got bored and decide to live a life as a college student in Cardiff. Because she knew Doctor Who films in Cardiff and answer is closer than you think.
Obviously, Bing and Kim were buddies and went around trolling the universe. And there's Lindsey, who is actually Kim in a alternate universe, in which paradox brought her and stripped her of Kim's awesome power and spend her life constantly trolling her... tilll the end of eternity.
Everything has been coming true. And don't get me started on EBO stuff. Man, you'll be freaked out when you see that theory.
(By the way, Emily Graslie is not a Time Lady. She's a companion as best; she looks and acts like a companion. She doesn't have that mystic quality that time lords, like Bing and Kim, have. She's wholesome and playful, two great characteristics of a companion.)
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Today's watch.
One of reason I'm started using YouTube was to watch game shows. I loved game shows and still do today. But there's some game show don't deserve my love.
One of them was Temptation. More specifically, 2007 American version.
Story of this atrocious game is a long one as far back to 1969.
Jack Kelly (yes, Bart Maverick) was down on the dump after Maverick was canceled in 1962 and some guys decided to pick him up and let him host a game show... that would combine the fast pace of auctions and the tension of buzz-in quiz shows. The show was called 'The Sale of the Century' and realizing that he is an actual actor Jack left in 1971 and was replaced with Joe Garagiola Sr. who left the field (and the show) in 1975 to support the Ford presidential campaign (much to later dismay).
But that's just pretense to 1983 when veteran game show host Jim Perry (of Card Sharks and Definition (cue Austin Power theme, which is reference to game show mentioned)) took the helm and revive The Sale of the Century (Bah-lop Bah-la!)
The show's quick pacing and quick-witted host along with some humor and epic tension made show last for six years before closing the door to the American audience.
(Break: It's a nice little show, not a classic people remember but a damn good one nevertheless. The rules were simple... here's some money and five dollar gain if correct, lost if incorrect and you can bargain for prizes and in the end there's a speed round which raise tensions to the max. The winner go on the bonus game, which frankly changed every few years... Did I tell you this was highly fast-paced?)
But not to the world! Some mind, namely Reg Grundy, decided to take the show underground and add some mini-games and show lasted for 21 years from 1980 to 2001, having two great host to boot!
Australian were missing the show so much, they decided to revamp (by removing most of the mini-game, therefore basically identically to the 80's US show) and re-title it Temptation and it was massive hit and ran for 4 years.
With this massive hit, America has no choice but take it and do it for themselves...
And oh boy, how did it mess up the game.
The show was notoriously choppy and host just being dry and not being there... seriously! It was least watched show in all networks for some time and it limped her way to oblivion.
So, here's a show from it...
(Oh, did I told you it featured Trisha? And that was point of this whole post? I didn't think so?)
One of them was Temptation. More specifically, 2007 American version.
Story of this atrocious game is a long one as far back to 1969.
Jack Kelly (yes, Bart Maverick) was down on the dump after Maverick was canceled in 1962 and some guys decided to pick him up and let him host a game show... that would combine the fast pace of auctions and the tension of buzz-in quiz shows. The show was called 'The Sale of the Century' and realizing that he is an actual actor Jack left in 1971 and was replaced with Joe Garagiola Sr. who left the field (and the show) in 1975 to support the Ford presidential campaign (much to later dismay).
But that's just pretense to 1983 when veteran game show host Jim Perry (of Card Sharks and Definition (cue Austin Power theme, which is reference to game show mentioned)) took the helm and revive The Sale of the Century (Bah-lop Bah-la!)
The show's quick pacing and quick-witted host along with some humor and epic tension made show last for six years before closing the door to the American audience.
(Break: It's a nice little show, not a classic people remember but a damn good one nevertheless. The rules were simple... here's some money and five dollar gain if correct, lost if incorrect and you can bargain for prizes and in the end there's a speed round which raise tensions to the max. The winner go on the bonus game, which frankly changed every few years... Did I tell you this was highly fast-paced?)
But not to the world! Some mind, namely Reg Grundy, decided to take the show underground and add some mini-games and show lasted for 21 years from 1980 to 2001, having two great host to boot!
Australian were missing the show so much, they decided to revamp (by removing most of the mini-game, therefore basically identically to the 80's US show) and re-title it Temptation and it was massive hit and ran for 4 years.
With this massive hit, America has no choice but take it and do it for themselves...
And oh boy, how did it mess up the game.
The show was notoriously choppy and host just being dry and not being there... seriously! It was least watched show in all networks for some time and it limped her way to oblivion.
So, here's a show from it...
(Oh, did I told you it featured Trisha? And that was point of this whole post? I didn't think so?)
Friday, August 16, 2013
Like the Doctor, I usually want to give a catchphrase for each Vidcon.
The first VidCon was the awkward vidcon. No one knew how this internet convention worked and there were still some kink to kick out.
The Second Vidcon was the cramped vidcon. Lots of more people in that 'tiny' hotel and everywhere there
was noise and shouting.
The third vidcon in contrast was the expansive vidcon. Everything was bigger, but nothing necessarily changed... in my view the best vidcon out of four.
The fourth vidcon.... this vidcon, I want to name it fangirl vidcon or fangirling vidcon... but seeing the recap videos and other feeling, I might have a different name.
Homesick vidcon.
I wrote three sketches for vidcon and one didn't need a script because it was a rendition of 'Where everybody knows your name' or the 'Cheers' theme song. And that's what vidcon is for people... a home for a half a week.
That's why fangirlling was so much discouraged... it'll be weird to have fangirls in your family reunion... even if the fangirl is also member of your extended family. Actually especially if your fangirls are part of your extended family... (ew.)
So, that's I got from the recap videos.
The first VidCon was the awkward vidcon. No one knew how this internet convention worked and there were still some kink to kick out.
The Second Vidcon was the cramped vidcon. Lots of more people in that 'tiny' hotel and everywhere there
was noise and shouting.
The third vidcon in contrast was the expansive vidcon. Everything was bigger, but nothing necessarily changed... in my view the best vidcon out of four.
The fourth vidcon.... this vidcon, I want to name it fangirl vidcon or fangirling vidcon... but seeing the recap videos and other feeling, I might have a different name.
Homesick vidcon.
I wrote three sketches for vidcon and one didn't need a script because it was a rendition of 'Where everybody knows your name' or the 'Cheers' theme song. And that's what vidcon is for people... a home for a half a week.
That's why fangirlling was so much discouraged... it'll be weird to have fangirls in your family reunion... even if the fangirl is also member of your extended family. Actually especially if your fangirls are part of your extended family... (ew.)
So, that's I got from the recap videos.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Vidcon was great... right?
I obviously didn't go to Vidcon. But I heard a lot about it! So I wrote some sketches!
First one solves the problem of just too many things! (with consequences)
Second one refers to the previous post.... it's slightly more coherent.
Hope you like the sketches and I want to write more!
(Does the link work?)
First one solves the problem of just too many things! (with consequences)
Second one refers to the previous post.... it's slightly more coherent.
Hope you like the sketches and I want to write more!
(Does the link work?)
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Funny Thing about Lizzie Bennet Diaries is...
I am strangely obsessed with Lizzie Bennet Diaries. I don't really care for the plot, (I don't really care for Austen) or the things inside the vlog, but rather what's outside the vlog. The cast, the production, the legacy.
It also makes YouTube connection game that much easier.
If you forgot what YouTube connection game is, it's just Kevin Bacon's six degree of separation just with YouTubers. Strangely, you connect the two together.
(Rhett and Link have Bacon Number of 3, for example.)
First of all, I knew Maxwell Glick (Mr. Collins) was Spencer in LG15.
(Also, how did Max turn from Traveler from Household Hacker to Corrado from ApprenticeA?)
That makes connections to Hollywood world a little easier.
(Jessica Rose is from Greek for example.)
But the best connection comes from Darcy himself, Daniel Vincent Gordh.
I also knew Daniel from way back when he was doing this.
Yeah. I know. You may sit back up now.
Anyway, He was a major part of Cracked! There's some famous videos featuring him like Manic Pixie Dream Girl and High School parody (with Fitz, no less!)
And this makes connection to weird parts of the internet real easier.
(Also best thing is that this article by Luke McKinney which featured Hank Green... who knew you'll be stabbing your co-worker's future boss... in the past.)
And with MK Wiles' many series and Laura Spencer being the girl in 'The Water's Fine' makes LBD a giant embrace to all the media. (In more ways than one.)
Sorry for the little disjointedness. There's is going to be a full review... soon... and thanks for reading this haphazard mess. Come better for more succinct thoughts.
It also makes YouTube connection game that much easier.
If you forgot what YouTube connection game is, it's just Kevin Bacon's six degree of separation just with YouTubers. Strangely, you connect the two together.
(Rhett and Link have Bacon Number of 3, for example.)
First of all, I knew Maxwell Glick (Mr. Collins) was Spencer in LG15.
(Also, how did Max turn from Traveler from Household Hacker to Corrado from ApprenticeA?)
That makes connections to Hollywood world a little easier.
(Jessica Rose is from Greek for example.)
But the best connection comes from Darcy himself, Daniel Vincent Gordh.
I also knew Daniel from way back when he was doing this.
Yeah. I know. You may sit back up now.
Anyway, He was a major part of Cracked! There's some famous videos featuring him like Manic Pixie Dream Girl and High School parody (with Fitz, no less!)
And this makes connection to weird parts of the internet real easier.
(Also best thing is that this article by Luke McKinney which featured Hank Green... who knew you'll be stabbing your co-worker's future boss... in the past.)
And with MK Wiles' many series and Laura Spencer being the girl in 'The Water's Fine' makes LBD a giant embrace to all the media. (In more ways than one.)
Sorry for the little disjointedness. There's is going to be a full review... soon... and thanks for reading this haphazard mess. Come better for more succinct thoughts.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
A review for July- Comic... I mean Vidcon!
I don’t want Vidcon to be Comic-Con.
If I ever meet Hank Green, one of five question I’ll ask him is “Do you think Vidcon will be like Comic-con?” because I want to know if Hank wants to go down that route.
Comic-con is more TCA press release for fans. People from the media show up and share stories and their upcoming something. It’s all the same.
Sure, there’s some community involved but Comic-con is just too big. Why people go to comic con anyway?
Vidcon is little bit different. Most people go for the community and friendship more than seeing YouTubers.
In fact, I like the variety in the YouTube conventions.
(Sorry for the rough segway, I don’t want to get ranty and I wanted to get to the main point.)
The three big con in US have their own quirks.
Playlist Live in Orlando is for the fans. They set up the room like there’s celebrities and fans and fangirls just swarm to see people. So if you just want to fangirl, then Playlist Live is the place to go.
Vidcon in Anaheim is more community based. Talks are more Comic-con like but other activities are to strengthen the community between the fans and creator (and the people in between!) Vidcon will try to make friends and have a happy atmosphere then just to idolize people.
Vloggerfair in Seattle is spontaneous. I don’t if the thing was supposed to be spontaneous but I like that it’s spontaneous. People can doing anything, provided the equipment and people can create weird stuff that came out of nowhere... I like that about Vloggerfair and they should take note on that.
The three fairs are also located in the corners of USA. Seattle in the NW corner, Anaheim in the SW corner, and Orlando on the SE corner.
Perhaps a different con based in New York and Boston, perhaps specified in structure and adventure, like the MP3 Experiment, will complete the four corners of YouTube.
Seattle (NW) Spontaneity, New York or Boston (NE) Activity, Orlando (SE) Celebrity, Anaheim (SW) Community UNITE!
With the four combined, YouTube becomes a stronger place, bringing happiness to the world!
Okay, but seriously... coordination between the three (or four) will be nice and also keep down the audience number as not to over-inflate like Comic Con has become.
Hope Hank or John or any of the event organizers see this and take it into consideration.
Thank you.
And thank you to sticking with me for the past month or some of the month if you’re like that. This experience made me more excited about YouTube and media in general and perhaps give me courage to pursue it further... Thank you.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
A review for July- I Give Up, You Are Worthless (There's context)
You know what. Serious post was yesterday.
If I had editing skills, I will just cut between Charlie eating cereal and Hayley eating a burrito and therefore make the most awkward date ever.
(Also, This Is Me reference.)
Just think about that. Also, someone go do it.
Monday, July 29, 2013
A review for July- Regret
What’s with all this wonderful videos flooding my sub box?
I told you I was going away for a day!
At least, I have a topic in my head.
I regret a lot of thing.
I regret what I done and what I should have done.
But you can’t go back in time.
I regret a lot about YouTube.
I wish I could find this wonderful community sooner.
Most wish that, I guess.
But, least I’m here right now. Talking to you.
Regardless, I’ll be here.
Still regretting, still missing opportunities
I have to catch up on the video and I’ll come back tomorrow.
Wonder what I did was right.
What I shared, what I explored.
I tend to behind on stuff.
Like the universe is just few moment faster than me.
Perhaps, that’s that.
So, again see you tomorrow.
And hope you won’t regret many things.
As I did
(PS. Do you like this style?)
Sunday, July 28, 2013
A review for July- Bump
Another short post today. Tomorrow will also be short, so there will be two more real post in the series.
I will also lament how I can’t every part of YouTube as there’s so much niche is YouTube including Beauty, Gaming, Elevator Videos... there’s lot of weird stuff in YouTube.
In the early days of YouTube, I found lot of community on YouTube.
First, there was the atheists, which were more thriving back in 2007- 2009. There were precursor or science community we know today and premier source of scientific information back then. Now people have either left or turn to vitriol and anger like the rest of the religions. I sigh.
There’s brief foray to Let’s Play, which was fascinating, but it was too much of a time even then.
Then, there was this person who made toy videos that thousand videos and people mentioning each other like little community, which made super curious as to other ‘secret communities out there.
Game show was the first type of media that I piqued in and there’s lot people who upload and store those precious rare videos, all gone in archives now. Well, they are mostly on YouTube but you know gone in VHS Format or the like... there were community based around it, okay?
There was, are and will be many more communities on YouTube and I can’t possibly cover in one month of daily posts. So let’s acknowledge the missing and hopefully I can get back to you on tomorrow.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
A review for July- Sorry update
As July peters out to August and the Summer is heading towards our memories, I don’t know what to talk about.
So, let’s talk about August.
As before, I’ll traveling around the Puget for month of August, in series of day trips... hopefully, I can make videos and show it to you in my first blog at
I want to start 12 episode anime series again, there’s two episode out and the third is lost... sorry! but hopefully this 12 episode series will end happily.
Speaking of reviews, I want to do some review in video form... in all different medias... hopefully, it’ll be fun.
I don’t know. I’m shouting things here. I’m bored and I have nothing else to do.
4 days left. Hopefully I have topics to cover.
Friday, July 26, 2013
A review for July- Elders of YouTube
First, the shoutout.
Now, the video. Mickeleh is one of those person who I want to meet in August.
Actually, Mickeleh is one of the person I want to be in the future.
He worked with Apple but sadly lives in Seattle area and now making videos... intermittently.
Now, his videos are usually frequent but sometimes there’s big gaps somewhen.
So, by having this little shoutout will help.
I like Mickeleh’s ideas and his ingenuity... he gives a fresh spin to the idea and make my thoughts go in different places.
When I’m older, I hope I’m still cool enough like Mickeleh to relate the new with the old and continue searching for the new and changing world.
There’s small but significant part of elderly in the YouTube sphere, including Mickeleh’s friend, Bill Elder.
As a radio man, probably best approximation of YouTube in the olden days in terms of accessibility and content, he is cut out of YouTube and makes thought provoking videos on topics wishing around YouTube.
Of course, there’s Peter, geriatric1929 on YouTube. He has amusing insight of his life and ideas on his long life ahead. He was the top back in 2006 and he’s back in a little corner, quietly making videos.
So, two short recommendation and one long one. How’s that for today.
So, as the event arises, this is a not sketch video... (I have written one in July, though... find it yourself...(sorry for the cranky behavior he’s upset about something... (no I’m not!) There, there you’ll be fine... sorry for any inconvenience it makes.))
But maybe one more in the following week... gosh, only 5 blog post till this project is over!
Thanks for your support. Hopefully I’ll be making few more post on all my blogs.
(Also, have you noticed how the description bar shifts to share when the video is finished?)
(Sure it might be helpful but I have no other places to share! My I’ll steal my sister’s tumblr....)
Thursday, July 25, 2013
A reviews of July- That weird line...
I always liked to play with characters. Groups of people, you know. When I was a wee child, I \’ll go looking at people and shouting out what I thought they thought as they passed by. Little rude, but I was 5 or so and I didn’t knew a lot of modesty back then.
Now, I’m spending a month talking about some random people I found on the streets of the internet. In a way, that anecdote above was what internet feels like sometimes. You’re walking along a street and there’s some guy just babbling about your life as if he knows you or something and you don’t even notice that much and you don’t care for it, except for those who care for it are extremely embarrassed.
I don’t know. I just want my brain to less of the ideas of above because this amount to nothing in real life, right. Okay, I was being little rebellious there, but there’s still stuff in my head for scripts of YouTubers.
Ideas putting YouTuber in some way and making a script about it like I could ever meet them. They are not celebrities or normal people; they’re quantum manifestation of both and I am uncomfortable at the both sides.
For them as celebrity, I feel like I’m wasting time with these random ideas and for normal people, well it’s awkward to walk up to some random person and say ‘Hey, I know you!’ It’s a weird feeling for the both parties involved.
So what do I do? I like to write them but I get frustrated and embarrassed about it. Being the observer has its benefits, of course. But since observing is interaction and it’s a very awkward interaction, I always get skived.
But I guess as people does fanart and fanfiction, I guess I can write my script about some random dude I know from the internet.
So, maybe in the next few day, ideas not impending, I’ll write some of the scripts in my head and hopefully you’ll enjoy them.
Also, July is almost over and I am going around Seattle and it’s surrounding region in August. It’ll only be a day trip at most so steal my stuff or something.
Recommend me some place I could visit. Hidden places, to be more exact.
Also, write comments. I just want to see if people here are not just spams.
Sorry for all these extra thoughts. I sometime have a compulsion to fill the page in the word document I’m writing this on.
Here, there’s an unnecessary line break! And to top it off, goodbye!
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
A review for July- Hoaxes and Whatnot
As human have begun to walk the earth, there has been frauds and hoaxes.
Internet just made it more fun.
And so today... sorry, I won’t write like this anytime soon.
Anyways, Hoaxes. They’re on the internet. And people fall for them, but I don’t because I have this banana.
Sorry, I was definitely ripping off frigginboom that time. Sorry, again. (He’s just great, you know. There’s so much to discover on YouTube.)
Okay... To talk about hoaxes on the internet, you must talk about two things.
First is Lonelygirl15. It was first narrative phenomena on YouTube and basically set up what web show will look like on YouTube.
It had some clever plots and the slow unravelling truth behind the production was fantastic and it added the aura that was LG15. Show made us realize something of importance of web as beyond the box and that production can play with the settings to create some meanings.
Second is The Beast. First ARG, the only good thing that came out of AI, basically. I mean I seriously think Kubrick just died at the right time. Every great movie director must go downhill somehow and Kubrick defied that by dying. Best way to leave a situation, obviously.
Spielberg took the fall, also clashing of Spielberg and Kubrick made a little cushion. (Oh, it was just Spielberg trying to be Kubrick, it could never work... that kind of a thing.)
I just think that ARG in part is fascinating and fun to follow. The puzzle are hard to solve and people behind it is so admiring to me, trying keep this in bay.
But, that’s outside of YouTube... third type of hoax are not-hoaxes, programs that uses the tropes of hoaxes, which more like sexynerdgirl or MyMusic...
Anyway, a short episode, just talking a little break.
Tomorrow will be something completely different.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
A review for July- SCIENCE!
Long, Long time ago, I was searching through weird periodic table (like this one) 
So I watched all the videos in two sittings (God, bingeing through chemistry videos? I’m such a nerd) and discovered the world of Brady and Professor Martyn and his crew doing all sorts of experiments and stuff. I naturally continued to the physics department, Sixty Symbols, and enjoyed more professors and their quirks.
Then I encounter the Britain video that went viral and the man behind it, CGPGrey and minutephysics which was bubbling up and Vihart, which was recommended by the Vlogbrothers.
Along with Vsauce which was becoming more scientifical, I suddenly had lot of science people on YouTube.
... WHAT!
You know that feeling you get... let’s say you know a neighbor down at the street and...
So, people started to come together in a weird way. There was this STEM conference and YouTube EDU thing and the community was certainly catapulted to our YouTube sphere.
That’s the thing I like about YouTube and science. Both inevitably results in collaboration... that’s the goal, to share and create great ideas together.
No wonder internet and the world wide web had a scientific purpose in the beginning. Purpose of quicker sharing of information to large groups of people.
Most people forget what internet and world wide web is about but these science have proved, the system still works.
Internet is there to inform not to desensitize.
What is going on here... (that’s not even the latest video!)
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